Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Jeff Allen's War Wagon (258 points)

So April was the month I was going to paint the famed Winged Lancers. Who doesn't love them?

It took a few days to start them. Then It was a few days to prep them. I was ready to prime.

I'm walking outside to prime them and I realized I forgot something.

Damn it. These needed to be carved in and fitted. The figures I have are 2nd hand and they have some green stuff mod that needs to be cut away. I completely forgot. DOH! Half the month is gone and I'm not painting.

So I come up with Plan B. I have the War Wagon I started in January done. Just need to do the crew and I'm done. Easy Peasy, right?

Ok cool here's the War Wagon in all it's crazy glory. Ready to rumble across the table and do....whatever it does. I've no idea, I've never seen one in action.

I painted the crew with a removable tray for easier storage. The wagon it's self is tall enough as it is without all the sharp pointed things sticking out.

Ok like a said, easy peasy. Hmmm how much does the War Wagon cost? I had it in my head it was 200 points. ***checks Army Book***. Muther#$%#$% it's 150pts!

Ok What can I paint for 50 points? Greatswords! I've had them for 15 years maybe. That's about long enough. So I painted them in about 4 days, Thanks for Work From Home.Here's a unit of 10 Greatswords.

Please don't look at the googly eyes. The banner is a custom decal I made. I suck at freehand banners. Much easier to print out a decal and then blend it in to the banner.

So that's April sorted.

War Wagon....150 Points
Greatswords...108 Points

April's Total...258 Points


  1. That is some sweet, sweet, Plan B action! Well saved and then some I'd say :D

  2. Man, those what a great combo.

  3. Nice that the base fits in the wagon - congrats! That's a lot of painting for a couple of weeks (if that), and they look great all together. The wagon is super imposing!

  4. Great job on the wagon!
    Rescued the month well!

  5. I love the war wagon and your idea to make a base for the guys in it is very clever. Great job.

  6. very good job, and really original color palette for the wagon

  7. Love the colours. Wonderful job.

  8. that war wagon looks fantastic. the color scheme is really nice.
    i'm still struggling to find a war wagon at a reasonable price.

  9. gorgeous colour - i love the consistency across your units! a fantastic paint job across the board :-)


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