Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Nathan’s How contrast paints nearly cost me May (242 points)

I was all ready to finish my May figures a couple of days early and then my new contrast paints arrived in the mail. Instead of finishing my figures I spent most of my painting time over the next day seeing how those paints go. Bloody good to be honest! Anyway I eventually got back to finishing the task at hand and got there just in time. This is what I finished:

- mounted chaos warrior 84 points
- chaos warrior with halberd 78 points
- 8 chaos thugs with heavy armour and shields 80 points

For good measure I also finished a couple of hobgoblins to add to the army I did last painting challenge.

Whilst that technically covers me for the challenge I am working on a number of figures for June so I can finish off some units. Going to see if I can add a couple of monsters in for fun but no guarantees of that happening


  1. Very nice bunch of tin can wearers!

  2. Do I spy Pan Tang Warriors? Nice job!

  3. With these Pan Tang Warriors, you're really spoiling us! :D

    Lovely red flesh on the Oni looking HobGob too :)


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