Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Bulldoglopez's May Bonepile (332 points)


Yeah buddy!! HERE. WE. GO!!! Almost at the end!!

This month I finished up even more boneheads to the horde of the undead. I completed 7 Grim Reapers and 5 more Skeleton Archers... nothing special about the paint scheme, just a bunch of airbrushing and drybrushing.

This month was special because I got my proxy Plague Cart done. The model is The Skeleton King on War Throne from Warmonger miniatures (the archers and grim reapers are also Warmonger) It is such a cool model that I couldn't resist finding a reason to include it in my Undead Army. It's also a quick and dirty paint scheme, but I did apply a few extra highlights because it is more of a centerpiece model (but not THE centerpiece... that is on the way)

I also put together a skeleton chariot with a slightly modified driver. I took a plastic flame from some modern GW kit to create the flaming skull and made a whip out of the wires from an old power cable I had laying around. I only stuck the driver to the chariot because I haven't decided who else will be riding in the chariot but it will most likely be a Liche or some other such scary guy.

7x Grim Reapers ... 84 pts
5x Skeleton Archers ... 60 pts
Skeleton Chariot ... 88 pts
Plague Cart ... 100 pts  


  1. I am digging your figure selection. I really like the Reapers. Your plague cart is just awesome. Great work this month dude. I can’t wait to see your final Army shot.

  2. Nice idea for the plague cart! Looks great

  3. Thanks everyone! The whole army is getting pretty out of hand lol. I might have to paint a new backdrop.

  4. Lovely stuff - the flaming head is wonderful!

  5. Great idea on the chariot driver conversion, and that is a very grand proxy for a plague cart! Lovely stuff :)

  6. Nice paint job. The background really bring your models to life. Well, unlife I guess!

  7. Very cool! The chariot driver is excellent!


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