Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Robert's Cry Havoc and let sip the brewers of Bugman (667 points)

"Cry 'Havoc,' and let slip the dogs of war;
That this foul deed shall smell above the earth
With carrion men, groaning for burial."
-Mark Antony in Act 3, Scene 1, line 273 of  
William Shakespeare's Julius Caesar

This month the the dogs of war are the war machines of the Imperial Dwarves and the mad Dwarves of Bugman's Rangers.

I was really excited to paint up the Flame Thrower as it is a really fun model. I wanted to add to the feeling of dread when these Dwarves approach so I ended up adding a larger barrel. The lore on these guys talks about how they are not allowed in camps due to the possibility of them spontaneously combusting due to the flammable liquids they work with on a daily basis. I painted them in the same colors as my Bugman Rangers to tie them in to that part of the force. With the rangers always on the move I figured this would be one of the few war machines that would travel well with them.

The other war machine I though that would travel well was the Gyrocopter. I though of this as a scout for Bugmans Rangers and a great support in taking out any enemies pesky war machines.

Next up are the machines of the Imperial Dwarves. These are the slower to deploy and travel with the larger force of the Prince. I had a lot of fun doing the bases for each of these. The colors of the crew members are red to tie them to the Imperial Dwarf units.

Next up I wanted to do another Dwarf Wizard/Rune Smith (depending on the edition I am playing). I stayed with the colors of the Samii people like I did with my other wizard. This was a fun figure to paint and I liked adding the little rock pile on the front of the base.

The original army list I wanted to use as a base for this army had a Kislev horse archer. After trying for several months to get one without selling my first born I decide to tie in my first OWAC army and use a Wood Elf Scout. With that in mind I dug through my unpainted Wood Elves and found this Elf. I think he is a fitting looking scout.

Last but not least I wanted to do a general on foot to round out my force. I have had this miniature for years and always wanted to paint him yet never seemed to get around to it. So I felt the time had come and I could use him as my general. Of course I am talking about non other than the White Dwarf him self.

I used this classic art as my guide for painting my White Dwarf.

When I end up painting a different Dwarf as a general I will use the White Dwarf as himself to see just how crazy he is.

Here is the group shot for the month of May. I had a blast painting this month and am excited to put everything I have painted for OWACIII on the table for a group photo.

Here is my total for this months painting:
Elven Rider w\long bow 26 pts
1 Flame Cannon Heavy armor 59 pts
Bolt thrower 3 dwarf 54 pts
Organ Gun 3 dwarf 99 pts
Lore Delver lvl 15 Wizard 203 pts
General lvl 15 128 pts
Gyrocopter 50 plus 48 pts lvl 5 pilot

Total: 667

Till next month:

"May you always have a clean shirt, a clear conscience, and enough coins in your pocket to buy a pint!"


  1. I love how much thought has gone into this month alone! The idea of the Flamethrower and Gyrocopter campaigning with the Rangers is great, you could just imagine them in a 3rd scenario with the Dwarven SAS on a daring raid! Shame about the Kislev Horse Archer, as I thought that was a very cool idea indeed, but so is the idea to link it back to your previous OWAC force with the Wood Elf. Plus the White Dwarf himself! Top stuff all round :)

  2. Beautiful job! Bob Ross has served you well, especially with the gyrocopter! Didn't know the white dwarf had stats, either! Great month!

  3. Great job! I love the old style gyrocopters!

  4. Wow! Nice entry for May! All cool old minis!

  5. Flipping cool AF! A brilliant month for the short 'uns!

  6. Every single miniature here is pure gold.

  7. Lovely bunch of characters and contraptions. Really like the mix of tones of the wood and metals. The white dwarf looks awesome.

  8. Good job! And I like the idea of a Wood Elf scout in!


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