Friday, July 31, 2020

Mike's Mighty Dwarven Throng of Karak Blargh Conclusion

Hooray the challenge has ended with much completed dwarfiness! I am quite happy with the results of this years challenge since for the first time I have painted more points wise than I had planned. I started with my choices based on a 1750pt army list and what models I had available.

Dwarf General with 2 handed weapon (runes of striking and fury), heavy armor (master rune of adamant and rune of stone) 258pts

Battle Standard with hand weapon, heavy armor and shield. Banner with rune of battle 127pts

Champion with hammer (master rune of flight and rune of might, heavy armor and shield (runes of iron and stone) 309pts

10 long beards with standard and musician 180pts

16 warriors standard and musician 208pts

10 crossbows with standard and musician, light armor and shield 180pts

8 miners with standard and musician 130pts

1 flame cannon (rune of disguise) 144pts

4 allied imperial ogres with light armor and 2 handed weapons 176pts

In addition since I was being so incredibly productive I also managed to add to my list

Dwarf Baggage Train

Runelord and Anvil of Doom

Additional Heroes and a Giantish Ogre


With all this I'd love to say I'm done with having unpainted dwarves, but of course since January I have purchased enough marauder dwarves to make sure I have every unit that I could easily do another challenge. I have even gotten in several games with this list and I have learned the keys to victory is to burninate with the flame cannon everything a ogre and lord can't crush. Here is the completed army less the ogres which I forgot about when I took the picture. 

 All hail the OWAC champions!


  1. Congratulations! Nice choice of models!

  2. Congrats on your army 👏 an army of painted dwarf goodness is, and remains, my first love 😍

  3. Great looking army!
    Lots of classic dwarves, but the unit of Longbeards bristling with Lords of Legend is my favourite.
    Super job on getting to the end of the challenge with such good results!

  4. Thee Longbeards unit is my favourite also.
    Congratulations on completion! Great job!

  5. Full of classic miniatures! Great job Mike, congrats!

  6. Nice to see a fellow stuntie make it to the finish line. Congratulations.

  7. Nice work! Bonus Oldhammer points for the baggage train :)


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