Thursday, December 10, 2020

Brendan's Eldar : An introduction

I’m back for my second go at the OWAC.  I had such a fun time painting my Skaven last year and being part of #teamskaven!  But this time I would try something different.

Eldar.  I hate Eldar.  They have been the bane of my gaming existence. They have outshot my Imperial Guard, they have out maneuvered my Tau, they have passed more invulnerable saves than my demons.  So why would I dare paint these foul xenos?  Because my good friend has soooo many of them!  He isn’t much of a painter, so I asked him if I could paint what he had.  Since we haven’t been gaming lately, he agreed.

At first, I was just going to melt them down out of spite, but then I decided to crack open the Codex and see what I could put together for 1000 points. 

It turns out, with all his aspect warriors it would be fairly easy to reach 1000.  Especially with my friend’s absurd love of Wraithguard.  He already has ten painted, and I found ten more all undercoated!   So they made the list.  I found Dire Avengers and Striking Scorpions, Fire Dragons and a War Walker.  This could actually be fun.  Maybe I won’t melt them all down…  

9 Fire Dragons (252)

10 Striking Scorpions (260)

War Walker (150)

Warlock (51)

8 Dire Avengers (176)

Dire Avenger Exarch (50)

10 Wraith guard (350)

And for our benevolent overlord my tribute:


  1. Looking forward to your work on this, and I love that offering!

  2. Great figure selection! this will be a great force at the end of it all...

  3. That is a great selection, I especially love Wraithguard, that is a fun army to play!

  4. That’s going to be a nice looking force. Good luck and I look forward to seeing the progress!

  5. Oo, a black undercoat!
    Good luck -I'm looking forward to seeing how they all turn out :)

  6. Nice looking force! Can't wait to see it painted.

  7. Nice selection of miniatures. That warlock is one of my favourites, love to see him painted. Also, what a huge bunch of wraithguards!

  8. Great choice! I can't wait to see the progress

  9. Welcome to #teameldar, thank you for not melting them down. Looking forward to seeing them painted. :)


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