Wednesday, December 9, 2020

JohnR's Estalian Mercenaries

Hi all, long time watcher first time entrant. This is my first attempt at blogging too so stand by for some wonky images and illegible text...

My entry is the army of The Comte Del Monte. Estalian adventurer, braggart and soldier of fortune.

I don't have the time or money to trawl Evilbay for the handful of Estalian minis GeeDub produced so the mini's will be a mix of Eureka, TAG, Antediluvian and Foundry. Plus whatever else I find to throw in there :)

Hopefully it will top out at about 2,000 points, chosen from various entries in Warhammer Armies. (mostly Old World Allies, Old World Mercenaries and The Empire Army.)

To the Overlord I offer this:

Captain Marick of the Solar Templars Chapter of Space Marines.

Renown throughout the segmentum for leading the pacification of Tranquility III. Where pro-democracy activists found that their non violent protests were no match for Marick's power weapons.

Commended by The Inquisition for his handling of first contact with the highly advanced, pacifist, peace-loving aliens known as The Mook. The war of extermination lasted just 6 days.

Currently on liaison outside the chapter Marick's back banner shows the chapter symbol of the Solar Templars (repeated on his right pauldron). The circle represents the Emperor: Immortal and Eternal. The upward spear is His salvation - offered to all pure humans. The downward spear is His retribution - merciless and inevitable.


  1. Looking forward to your take on estalians. I was thinking in a small mercenary detachment and those swordmen were also a possible choice for the job.

  2. A worthy endeavor!! I have some Estalians in my Empire army and am looking forward to your approach on the army colour scheme.

  3. Loving the background of the mercs and of your offering. Based on the Inquisitor model, these Estalians will look quite nice!

  4. Wow, they'll look amazing all together if that Captain is anything to go by! Good luck!

  5. Such a fun project, I love left field armies like that. And I can only approve of the pink goodness of that offering

  6. Killer subject matter and figure selection!

  7. Wonderful painting on the terminator. Looking forward to the Estalians too.


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