Rank-and-File Month
The Blockhouse - The blockhouse overlooking Scorched Pass is a very modest structure. I believe in making terrain in the old proper way. So I scoured dark elf imagery prior to 1992 for images of dark elf buildings and was mostly found wanting. I had to imagine what I thought dark elf oldhammer architecture might look like. Most oldhammer buildings, like from the townscapes set, were very small and modest. I decided not to go with a more typical pointy-spire dark elf tower of spikiness common to the herohammer and later artwork. I gave the building lots of stone because it is meant to be a minor fortification, but also wooden slats. Since the dark elves occupy what is essentially North America, I wanted their small garrison to have a sort of frontier feel to it, I thought the exposed wooden slats would give it a sorta old west vibe like the old American frontier forts. Finally, the colors, while a bit garish, were chosen to match the colors of the army.

The First Watch [dark elf crossbowmen x 8, 104 points] - These elves are tasked with the first shift. They keep a stern eye over the pass and back it up with the sting of their crossbows.
The first watch manning the various lookouts of the blockhouse.
Kin'Lath's Slashers [dark elf warriors x 4, 44 points] - This month four rank and file slashers are added to the unit. Eight more to go.
Repeating Bolt Thrower [ 58 points] - No elaborate flavor text here, it's just a bolt thrower.
Bleak Peak Harpies [Harpies x 8, 120 points] - Among the craggy outcroppings above the Scorched Pass is Bleak Peak. Here dwell Harpies of the typical disposition: they are wicked opportunists, but ultimately cowardly fowl-maidens. They are principally interested in their next meal, and can thereby often be coaxed by to fight for the dark elves by the promise of food or by magical means. The models are a mix of Foundry and Alternative Armies Harpies (one of which came with a miscast foot, so I chopped it to pieces and reposed it to be in a diving pose.)
Close up of my putty work for the conversion. |
Baggage Train - Helkate took a break from her sabbatical research to look out over the crenellations of the block house. That's when she spotted an approaching cart. "uuugh, for the tears of Isha; not them" she said aloud to herself. Helkate had gone on sabbatical to get away from her extended family, and here they were. They had followed her all the way to the frontier. Undoubtedly, her know-it-all sister, Faedra, would be among them. The baggage attendants are from Turnkey miniatures with some putty work done. Most were given bigger hair. The horse, wheels, and baggage are all from Alternative Armies. The cart is made from sheet styrene and green stuff with a few plastic dark elf bits added.

Proud of the evil belt buckle on the basket-holding elf |
The dress slit was a simple modification.
I really don't like this mini. His right arm had to be resculpted entirely as the original was too short. |
Faedra the Shadow Weaver - [Level 20 Dark Elf Sorceress, 303 points] - Faedra is Helkate's older and more accomplished sister. She is a practitioner of the necromantic arts. While Helkate may believe that Faedra has come to disrupt her sabbatical on the frontier, Faedra's real designs lie with the entombed protectors at Scorched Pass. Who knows what dark secrets she may find in the catacombs below? Faedra is a conversion of the banshee produced by alternative armies. The modifications are inspired by traditional dark elves and the Shadow Weaver character from She Ra. The changes include her headdress, sleeve, shoe, and waist dangly thing.
I got two cats from Turnkey minis to be familiars. The one on the left got some putty work on their eyebrows, cheek fluff, and ears to make them seem more sinister. |
Painelope - [Level 10 Dark Elf Assassin, 88 points] - Painelope is a Khainite fanatic. She is utterly dedicated to Malekith and his Witch-monarchy. Many "dark" elves seek work on the frontiers to avoid the watchful eyes of the cultish witch elves and the so-called "wars of vengeance" waged by the Witch King. These cult rites and the king's wars take a great toll on the citizenry of Naggaroth. Many are weary of the regime's brand of evil. Assassins, like Painelope, are often sent to distant outposts to keep an ear among the ranks for dissent and ensure obedience. Painelope is the assassin mini from Turnkey Miniatures with some added green stuff to extend her hair, add elf ears, gloves, boots, and pteruges to match the other dark elves.
Additional new points for the month: 717 - Right now, Painelope and Faedra exceed the character limits for a 1000 point army, but, if all my other minis get painted by the end then there should be space for them.