Thursday, February 18, 2021

Tom's Bad Moon Orks (234 points)

Rank and File: Month 2

Let's kick the month off with some gribbly action from some squigs...


This guy 👆 is an Epic scale beast or demon of nurgle, but fits in well :)

These last two squigs are war hounds for my warboss!

Some herding action from some herders, to keep the squigs in line!

This guy sports a metal right arm from Gorkamorka (I think). I liked the arm up pose so much I gave it to quite a few characters. Including this guy 👇 

A bit of a shame that the shape of a handle of a gun can still be made out, but ho hum... The face on the backplate was mainly an accidental splurge of ink/wash which dried in the approximate shape and I just accentuated it. A happy little accident!

Here they are with their herd of gribblies 

Some Nobs join the fray - and about time too, the bois are running amok!
In serious though, I had painted these Nobs in the first month, as part of the warlords retinue. 
But, I'm not feeling great when sat at the painting table... I think I spend a lot more time just looking at the models in the paint queue! As a result I'm leaning on these boys to give me a little more time to paint up more rank and file. R&F is usually something I quite enjoy, especially if they're monopose. Ho hum!

Some heavy support with the plasma

This grizzled veteran is majestic AF., and my personal fave.

This guys a proper vet, with the scars to prove it.

Mega armour, a crushing fist and a big gun. What more could a nob ask for? Massive ankles? Check!

The boss! Second in command only to the Warlord. He surveys the battlefield, confident in his superior prowess

Here's a shot of all the nobs  mixed in with the guys I painted before the start of the Army Challenge. The photo is too good not to include! 
Although there's a bit of discrepancy between them - I used a lot more white in the yellow highlight - I think they fit in well enough. I did add some flames to the shoulder pads of the previously painted nobs to match the new blood :)

I hoped to have a few more heavy weapon boys this month, but it was not to be...I hated painting this guy. He's taken at least three or four times as long as he should have, and as such he's a little rough and ready, but ready he is! Fire in the hold! Brace! Etc etc.

Painboy. This guys an absolute savage. A pair of scissors. Scissors! Eesh...
Anyhow, I'm sure he and the runtherds have colluded with the mek for a big projekt. Hopefully whatever it is will be along soon.

Anyhow, that's it for this month. I hope I can plug out some moar boys for next month - especially more 'eavy weaponry (most of those are sitting half painted on the table. I just need to push on through!).
Fingers crossed, also something squig related!



Proposed army list

Rank and file month 1

Rank and file month 2
156... Nobs x5
18...   Runtherd
18...   Painboy
42...   Boy with Missile Launcher

Runtherd x1
Squigs x10

234 points


  1. What an incredible bunch. I love how vibrant these are.

    1. Thank you (that is a wonderful name Snottlebocket!)

  2. I have loved this scheme since the army challenge and these are wonderful! The painted axe is especially lovely. The featured squig is sitting on my painting table, I have to finish it and give it some love!

    1. Cheers Lissanne! Good luck with the squig - be sure to pay it up when it's done!

  3. Wow they look great, a really productive month and you kept a really good standard of painting, impressive.

    1. Cheers - there were undoubtedly a few wobbles along the way. Hopefully March will see them ironed out... :)

  4. OMG!!!! So many of them and all with a fantastic work. I really like how colorful they are...

  5. Proper Nobz! I always liked those old power armoured, I mean 'eavy armoured, I mean mega armoured, except when I don't... them, anyway. The plasma gunner's my favourite.

  6. So much Orky goodness. I love the squigs and herders.

  7. Phenomenal work, I love the individuality and the blending on the squigs especially.

    1. Nice one! I thought the squigs should be painted separately - they cost sooooo much more than they should nowadays, I thought I best put a bit of effort into them!

  8. Love the bright colours, my style of painting!

    1. I do too - I may have to stick with bright colours for other minis other than orks! Cheers :)

  9. I think I said this last month, but the color of the ork skin is just perfect. It has such a realistic look and life like look to them. I can't wait to see where you go from here.

  10. Those squigs are so.... cute! Like in a creepy, Muppety way. I love them. You nailed the nobs, they scream "Bad Moons" and "we got the teef." :D

    1. I've been loving painting the squigs. They're a great motivation boost (but sadly no point value...) The nobs have been wonderful to paint also - one or two were a chore, but I really like them all together, One of my favourite things I have done! Day gots da teef for days yo!

  11. Love your style. I do not know what I like the most, those awesome nobz or your amazing collection of squigs.

    1. Ima pump for the nobs - they took much longer to paint 😂. Thank you :)

  12. I am very jealous of your enormous (by today's standards!) horde of squigs. Everything is beautifully painted and the basing really sets off those bright yellows - outstanding!

    1. Cheers! I'm pleased about the bases to be fair. They've been quite quick and easy to do, which is a blessing :)

  13. What a great bunch!!! I love the mega armor nobs, I remember them in the White Dwarf with Goff colors.

    1. Cheers! The nobs have gay become my favourite, although there's a unit taking shape on the painting table that might top them!


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