Friday, April 30, 2021

Merijn's Chaos Dwarf host (70 points)

Rank & File #3 

In touch with the ground, they're on the hunt. They're after yooooou.

I initially planned to add a unit of spider riders as a proxy for hobgoblin wolf boyz. Unfortunately, I found out I ran out of cavalry bases so I painted up some old marauder wolf boyz that I had already based. With a bit of luck, I'll receive my bases soon and the creepy crawlers will join next month.

Which is just fine because can you ever really have enough of those wonderfully nippy goblin fast cavalry? Racing across the table to thwart your enemy's plan before they run away giggling. Or screaming. It's usually screaming really.

This unit brings my points total up to 994 points.


  1. They are soooo cute! I love wolf riders. (And I'm Hungry like the Wolf!)

  2. Superb! love those marauder wolf riders!!

  3. Great wolfies, and the green on the goblins is a great colour - and some lovely scenery to show them off in wraps it all up :)

  4. Great work, I like the varied pelts on the wolves especially!

  5. Adorable! Models with a lot of character :D

  6. Great job. I've always had a soft spot for wolf riders. Though these models are new to me.

    1. These are the old marauder ones. The generation before the plastic wolves came around.

  7. Cracking job - always good to see some Marauder Wolf Riders with some paint on!

  8. What and adorable bunch of sneaky mischievous little gits. Never seen those before, now I know what to hunt for when collecting my goblins. Good job!

  9. I like that vibrant green! Goblins should be vibrant

  10. So many Marauder goblins getting painted this year - its great to see. Lovely vibrant green too.


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