Friday, April 30, 2021

PaulM - They think it's all is now! (264pts)

Rank and File #3

Hello youse.

After lest month's no-show I figured I should try and pull my finger out and at least paint what I had promised. Unfortunately I wasted my Wildcard month on being lazy, so there's no deamonic tree terrain to go with the army as was originally planned. But at least I've decreased the leadpile ever so fractionally.

This month I completed the 3 mercenary Ogres of Korrag's Kompany. I umm'd and ah'd over how I was going to do these, going backwards and forwards over whether I wanted to make them clearly Chaotic, mercenary or something in between. I plumped for the latter in the end figuring that Ogres are supposedly resistant to the mutating effects of Chaos but their pallid skin shows they are on their way. Models are by the inimitable Bob Olley and sold by RPE. My favourite is probably the standard bearer, I became less and less keen on the other two as time passed. I have another 3 for an abortive attempt at starting an Oathmark army that are much more in line with the standard and am looking forward to painting (in about 2047 at this point).

I also took the opportunity to paint up the Alan Perry Beastman Command (including my Lvl-10 Hero - Frak'gor Brakentusk) very graciously provided by Graeme Pettigrew. These are great models and though not my finest work, painted up really nicely. They were topped off by a printed banner from the 6th edition Beasts of Chaos army book.

So, points for this month:

Three Ogres - 114pts

One Lvl-10 Beastman Hero - 110pts

Four Beastmen - 40pts


Month three/four total - 264pts

Running total - 912pts

Next month I am planning on getting my Leader Month out of the way, with Kagan the Hollow and his equerry and ensign. Also looking to paint Filthbite, Kagan's pet Jabberwock, as he will actually be the general of this force when it sees its eventual use in 6th Edit


  1. Lovely pallid monsters, and amazingly great basing! (I love the way the individual bases disappear and look unified)

    1. Thanks Lissanne. The basing is somewhat basic, but I am trying to improve. I do try my best to make them bland across bases and movement trays as much as possible though. Much easier when you've just got a few models.

    2. Definitely an advert for straight cut MDF bases as opposed to traditional slottas. Great job on those definitive beastman models, they look good in those colours.

  2. yes! I agree with you - the standard bearer is my favourite too, and they look cracking in their pallid skin. I'm looking forward to your leader month - the jabberwocky in particular. All the best!

    1. Thanks. Now all I need to do is find the thing!

  3. Fantastic work, love Bob Olley's ogres and the skintones across all the models are very nicely done.

    1. Thanks Bill. They're slightly more defined and less 'white' in person. But I'm still struggling with photography.

  4. That's lovely. How did you do the skins? I find skin very difficult to paint and beastmen are all skin.

    1. Thanks.

      Skin on the beastmen was Rakharth Flesh from GW, washed with a mix of Druchii Violet and Agrax Earthshade, then highlighted back up from Rakharth Flesh with white added.

      The Ogres were a mix of Rakharth Flesh and...a brown. Maybe Rhinox Hide? Then highlighted back up.

  5. Your Ogres are terrific ! I love the banner and their equipement.

  6. Wow - these guys are amazing! Love the skin tone and you paint rust beautifully!

  7. Very cool ogres, like the muted browns and alabaster skin. Very good job!

  8. Love the skintones but especially the faces, lovely

  9. Lovely ogres, curious what caused problems for you with the two non standard bearers (as I have them as well)

    1. Hi John, sorry I missed your comment.

      There's nothing wrong with them per se (though the Champion does feel unfinished around the weapon, as cast you can see where Bob clipped the wire for the haft and never even filed it down), I just feel that out of the range they are the least characterful. I also found the 'Champion' to be a chore to paint.

    2. Hi John, sorry I missed your comment.

      There's nothing wrong with them per se (though the Champion does feel unfinished around the weapon, as cast you can see where Bob clipped the wire for the haft and never even filed it down), I just feel that out of the range they are the least characterful. I also found the 'Champion' to be a chore to paint.

  10. Great to see these beastmen get the attention they deserve and get painted up! Excellent job! The skin tones on both groups are great! Top marks!


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