Sunday, May 2, 2021

"And It Was All Yellow..." – Jon's Bad Moons (236 points)

Leader Month!

Warboss with 'eavy armour, power fist and plasma pistol: 86
5 Nobz with 'eavy armour and power axes, 2 plasma guns: 150 points

Running Total: 850 points of 1000

A generally slumpy month this month, busy at work and no desire to blog. I didn't even reply to any comments on my last post yet, appalling form on my part. I could make excuses but the truth is I've just had the Big Sads for a few weeks and it's been difficult to stir my stumps and find the gumption for anything more taxing than Crusader Kings 2 and solitary drinking. These figures have been in the queue for ten days just waiting for their base rims and some camera work!
That said: I've finally nailed the colour balance, the more modern inks I've cycled in are doing the work, and the Warboss in particular was a delight to work on.

Look at 'im. What a lad! Not my absolute favourite Bad Moon Warboss ever (the one-piece job with the round Marine-style shoulderpads and proper kustom weapon takes that crown) but a solid figure, chunky and compact. The beakie helmet under the boot is a nice touch.
I'm not saying I'm going to throw out all my plastic models ever and start frothing about the merits of lead vs tin in pewter, but let's say I finally understand where the "all metal all the time" types are coming from, and I'm looking forward to painting a collection where the only plastic involved is in the slottabases. 

I was pretty restrained with the kit on the Warboss. I don't think it's in keeping with the spirit of the OWAC to count extra points for Spike Arms or Master-crafted Plasma Pistols or squint and pretend he's in mega-armour even if those are the sort of upgrades I'd consider taking in an actual battle. The only upgrade card I'm going to be counting for the challenge is the heavy flamer on the Land Raider and that's because it's already been stuck on by a previous owner.

White hair and blue jeans on the Nobz Mob. As the oldest and wealthiest of the tribe, the boomer Orks if you will, that just made sense. They have a certain "Tony Blair's lockdown mullet" energy to them.

In accordance with tradition there's a mix of weapons on these, some ranged and some melee. I always liked the power axe in second edition, with its lightweight one handed profile for swinging at boyz and heftier double handed chop for smashing up toyz, so they've all got one of those. A couple of plasma guns so they can do something if they have to take cover for a turn, and... I've just spotted a plasma gun that's fallen off. Minge biscuits. I shall replace that during next month's sprint on the Goff mob, I swear. I've knocked the points for it off this month but I'm still going strong, and that's all the Bad Moons themselves done. Home stretch is nice familiar stuff: big tanks and black armour. I'll be there in no time.


  1. Cracking stuff and you should really treat yourself to some nice lead after wrestling with these plastic boyz!

    Agreed the Warboss mini you've painted is lovely and he suits the plasma pistol you've given him. I think you win the internets for the phrase "Tony Blair's lockdown mullet"! XD

    1. I think Tonty deserves the credit for that one. I merely follow in his wake, at a safe distance. A very safe distance. Don't want to get mullet on me.

  2. i think that mullet is worth points, LOL! Glad to see you are still with us!

    1. Thanks Lissanne! I'm gonna make it, by the skin of my teeth perhaps, but still.

  3. Well done on grinding through, I hope that the next months are easier on you. The boss model is lovely, and I hope that red beakie underfoot is inspired by Iannick's marines 🙈
    Also, +1 for lockdown mullets!! Great job

    1. ... it wasn't, but now that you've said it, it absolutely is!

      (love you really o mighty overlord don't take my points away)

  4. Nice touch on that red helmet...grumble grumble

    1. Would you like him as your Overlord tribute for next time? Just so you can be... reminded?

  5. One of my favourite work figures, I just love the relaxed slouch standing on the head of one of Iannicks marines.

    1. He's so chill, isn't he? There's all those young 'uns running around shouting, and then there's Bludnok here (I've decided to call him Bludnok) just having a moment, enjoying the view while his pistol cools down.


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