Monday, May 31, 2021

Filippo's Ultramarine - Boxes! (235 points)

Rank & File #3

"Ok brain, focus. What are we gonna do in May? I know we are both tired of power armours, so we need to switch to scouts and.."
"What are you talking about?"
"There are no boxes in 40k.."

This is an extract of what happened in my mind at the end of April.

The reason was an almost burnout caused by the night painting and probably a bottle of Diplomatico (that came in a nice cylindrical box, maybe that what the brain was talking about..)

I could not tolerate another power armour, but my list was full of infantry and the alternative was even worse. 

I checked all the stuff I collect for the OWAC and decided that I should swap a squad of Devastators for a vehicle.

I had a brand new rhino still on its sprue that a friend sold me for a couple of beers, I asked our mighty Overlord for the authorization and voilà! May was done!

Box #1 - Tracked Box

A nice transport for my tactical squad! The only difference to the original are the decals, that came from a modern kit. 

It's incredible how I hated this model back in the day, and how much I love it now. I'm so happy I could  build it with the original hand rails, a decoration that usually lasted a game or two, before disintegrating.

The only problem was.. I ended it in a couple of days, and called the work done in the first week of May.

It felt like cheating, something must be added, but what?

I take a look at the stuff on the shelves, and remembered that, when it was December and I was still thinking optimistically at my plans, I wanted to do two things for my wild card month.

The first one is a present from by my dear friend Davide Giurissini, a really talented guy from Trieste who loves creating buildings and terrains: an old school imperial bunker!

As Andrea Lucchetti told me "it's look like it came straight from a 90's White Dwarf article!"

Box #2 - Concrete box, front view

Box #2 - Concrete box, rear view

Box #2 - Concrete box, front view with friends

The second one is a Dreadnought, or "Sarcofagus" as was translated in the Italian version back in the third edition.

Box #3 - Angry walking box

Dreadnought are amazing!

"Ok, so your super soldier was badly injured in battle and could not fight anymore? Not a problem, just bury him in that 20 tons armoured coffin and let him fight for another thousand years!"

This model weights more than my entire plastic army of Salamanders for the current edition!!

The banner is printed and a couple of decals are different from the originals, but I'm quite happy with the result.

That's all for May, 235 points, considering the smoke launchers.

What will happen in June? We'll see.. now, where my bottle of rhum?


  1. Excellent work! The Rhino looks awesome, great highlights.And that dreadnought looks like it was painted for that Space Marine codex of the arly 90s!

    See I did the opposite and just decided to get it over with my infantry. No point in extending the suffering ;-)

    1. Thanks! I should have kept the tanks for June, now I have only infantry left and failing the last month is not acceptable

  2. Everything looks amazing and just in one month, congratulations!!!!

  3. All of your paint jobs look awesome! And I don’t think I even knew about those handrails, but they also look amazing

    1. Tanks are easy to do, gotta think about a tank company for 2022 :D

  4. So old-skool that I almost feel young again! :D Very envious of the brand new Mk I Rhino kit, all 14 of mine are renovations.

  5. So crisp. So clean. So fresh!
    Excellent work, they all look incredible!

  6. As others have said these are so fantastically crisp and bright - straight out of the 90s indeed.

  7. Great work! That Rhino is just so crisp and clean! It looks like it's travelled in time directly from 1992!


    Nice to see a proper Battle Bunker out; that was always one of my favourite missions when I actually did the tabletop 40K. Good shout on giving yourself a break from infantry too; variety is definitely the spice of life, I've only been doing ten a month and I'm still going bog-eyed.

  9. Wonderful work - lovely boxes! So nice to see a Rhino with the handrails like you say.


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