Monday, May 31, 2021

Tom's Bad Moon Orks (308 points)

Wildcard Month

The month of extreme tiredness, and little time to paint. But, as ever, I had a few models which I had 'saved' just in case and once again this has saved my bacon! A surprise trip away at the end of the month accounts for the lack of finished-ness about this post, so apologies for that as it is literally the witching hour right now!
Please also excuse some of the photos. My phone irreversibly died a week or so ago, and the new one is not as I would have liked it to be.
Anyhow - this month sees the Big Gunz coming out. First up, one of my favourites: the...

Squig Catapult
(Painted way back in February!)

Smasha Gun

I chickened out of the iconic dags on the wheel rim... Time was tight this month!

Splatter Kannon

(Painted way, whaaay, back in January)

And what's a month without an obligatory runtherd? I had already painted this sculpt for the Middlehammer Legacy Project (check it out here: link), but I seem to have fallen for these guys and I must paint them!


And, naturally, some runts for him to herd!

That kinda wraps this month up for me I'm afraid, but I do have some room for an unpointed extra!

Runtbot Controller

I thought this guy could go in the squig hard to control the little runtbot...he's notable for some impressive eyebrow hairs.

Well.. that's it for May, I'm afraid. 
June will definitely see the addition of crew for the Big Gunz, and maybe an ork or two as I wrap up with a Rank and File month number 4...  😃

Take it easy!


(Proposed army list)

(Rank and file month 1)

(Rank and file month 2)

(Rank and file month 3)

(Leader month)

60...    Splatter Cannon
45...    Smasha Gun
40...    Squig Catapult
120...   Dreadnaught
18...     Runtherd
25...     Runts x5
Free...  Runtbot Controller

Total points: 308


  1. Beautiful work as always, no matter when it was done! And it is great to see these wonderful models!

  2. Magic work here. I love what are you doing wih your army...

  3. Lovely work Tom! The colors are dazzling and I can’t wait to see them as a group!

  4. Lovely work Tom! The colors are dazzling and I can’t wait to see them as a group!

    1. I've spent a lot of time just reorganising them, thinking about if I rank them up like this, then I need to paint a few more etc etc. Such is the way 😂

  5. Replies
    1. Thank you, it's been great switching up and painting brighter :)

  6. you keep doing an unbelievably cool project, great work!

    1. Well, thank you! I shall quote the 'unbelievably cool' whenever my better half questions the calibre of painting little models :)

  7. Great stuff, and that's a slow month for you!

    1. Eergh, it was horrible though. First time I've felt the crush of grinding painting pressure! Now for this following month there are models I HAVE to paint, which almost feels kinda worse 😅

  8. And you "only" did it :D
    Your paint job is awesome. I love the gretchs and the catapult.

  9. What a brilliant bunch of runts, grots and gunz. I love the colourful style, I'd never have the courage/patience to do that.

    1. Strangely I've been really inspired by the 28 movement over on instagram (search out, which whilst not in the same style, has a really important ethos with story at it's heart. I have taken inspiration from the conversions and paintjobs and the bravery those 28 painters have to not worry so much about my painting and enjoy the moment more, rather than the "thinking about the final result-ness". Thank you very much for your kind words - that too, is super inspiring!

  10. Well, they grab you by the eye sockets and shake you - typical orks

  11. That's a colourful mountain of death-dealing! And some runts... ;-)
    Great job again. The dread is my personal favourite - definitely taking some notes on how you approached it...

    1. Well, my approach was to sit there looking at it for aaaaages. Then I think I painted the whole thing pink, then yellow over the top. Then painted in the red sections, then painted over some of the red and yellow with black for the metal work and dark blue stuff. Back in with some white for the pink. Then just pick everything out with shading - I used contrast paint as a shade for the red, and a mix of a brown and orange for the yellow.
      And then highlighting - one leg/arm at a time (I found that to be a bit more mentally easier than trying to do the whole thing all over) and a brief blackline. The blackline was key!

  12. Gorgeous work again! Every model is amazing, love the charm on those grots.
    For whatever reason I want to paint a "synthwave" ork commando after watching that zapp cannon. I've never seen the runtbot controller, cool looking paintjob.

    1. Yes! *air guitar solo and insta squig mullet*
      Thanks for the kind words!

  13. For all the Big Gunz and Death Eggs on Legs, it's the Runts I'm rootin' for! Jst wish they weren't so damn expensive on ebay these days. An absolute feast for the eyes as ever and your hard work has paid off and then some. Has anyone asked how you do your basing? I love it!

    1. Cheers! And yeah - I feel your pain re the ebay prices :(
      The bases are really kinda easy which is what I've been trying to do. The last two OWAC's my basing has been a little too involved - for me at least. Anyway, I use the GW Contrast paint - the one that's turquoise, fluorescent orange and a lighter fluoro orange both from Greenstuff World, and the red crackle paint from GW...
      I add sand for stones, maybe some skulls or twisted wire or clippings from the rod I use to pin the arms etc.
      White base ⏩ turquoise ⏩ crackle paint ⏩ Turquoise pure in the center, watered out towards the edges ⏩ Orange dabbed on the edges whilst the base is still wet and then lightly stippled in towards the middle. Repeat with the lighter orange ⏩ dab a blue on to stones or large bits of crackle. Done!

    2. I'll try and do a step by step with pics next month :)


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