Monday, May 3, 2021

Tom's Bad Moon Orks (205 points)

Leader Month

Check out this header pic! I think it's great (but then, I guess I would 😂 ). It includes the largest model I've ever painted, and four banners - hastily painted at the last minute. I hate painting banners, and I'm not a massive fan of painting large models, especially vehicles so this is an epic month!

Well April, I see you and  thankfully I've completed my leader month!
Diving straight in, here's my leader. The Big Boss. The Head Honcho. Ork #1.

(Well actually - first off here's his Bodyguard. They wouldn't be doing their job if they didn't go first)

And now, a raw pic of the birth of my Warlord:

Note please The Claw. 
From the Commissar Yarrick model, as is the backpack and banner pole. 
I switched out the skull on top of the pole for something a bit more fitting...although in hindsight I think the helmet on the pole would be better painted red, maybe with a white stripe.


These following photos are kinda the best I could take with my one painting light and camera phone in the night-time, but at least it gives a good idea

Here he is with his bodyguard and attack squigs....

I have to note that the warlords banner was inspired by Joshua Van Z's amazing Bad Moon army - check them out over here: INSTA 

And no aspiring ork warlord of any note wouldn't be seen not dead in no battlewagon.


I painted a Battlewagon.

This was a lucky opportunity afforded to me by stand up guy Andy Grant, who offered this great model up for £60. Oueff ! Pricy! But also, in this day and age, kinda reasonable... 
...and definitely a sign for my growing WAAAAGH to obtain one.

Here is the sales post pic. As you can see Andy's got good taste when it comes to Ork clans!

Had to twist off the wheel. 
Later I pinned it back on :) 
The banner pole is stuck on with plastic glue, and the join is surprisingly strong! Horribly I dropped the whole thing and re-broke the mast and several of the railing spikes 😬

I added some (terrible) graffiti - my painting buddies get a shout out, as does Andy:

I also asked the #teameldar crew what colours their most precious spirit stones were. Red, blue and purple came out tops. My ork warlord had the wonderful idea of bedecking his battlewagon with the spirit stones - he noticed that the more explosive and indiscriminate gunfire from the Eldar avoided the wagon because of this. Wot a kunnin' boi!

And here it is with last minute banners attached:


Here's a timestamp for models that I've, ahem, acquired and definitely not brought at vast expense... Definitely.

In fact, actually the Weirdboy and the Grots are from that model swap last month with Instagram dude Dave aka grinningloon. Many thank you's again! 

(The battlewagon is the one you've already seen 😀 )

Runtherd! Weirdboy! 

So... What a warlord needs is a retinue. 
I was going to put the Bad Dok and Bad Mek that I painted last month in here, but when they were painted they called out for their own division and I couldn't not post them that month: I enjoyed them so much :)

Anyhow, this Runtherd is painted in Bad Ork colours with the stripey trousers, and he will join the bad orks laters - but for now, he's the warlords own!

On a personal note, I really enjoyed painting this guy. I really like how his face came out. I also like how he's the opposite of the other runtherd - here's a side by side:

Anuvva Runtherd.
This guy truly is a freebooting bad ork, what with his bionik hook hand and all. I had meant to include him in next months submission, but for some reason I see he made his way into the group shot, which I am loathe to re-take!
I like his devoted Snotling hanging on to his leg.

Fingers crossed, I might be able to paint a few more of these in the coming months to complete the runtherd collection. Well, at least that's the plan!

On to the Weirdboy:

I like him and his fancy red boots.

Immaculately trained by aforementioned runtherd, this little blighter is the self appointed MVP, so it's only right he appears here in Leader Month. 
He's available from Knightmare Miniatures, and their range of space goblins fit in well with the RT orks:)
Hopefully, other grots will follow next month. I've a feeling the Knightmare range will be counted as Super Gretchin or Warlord Retainer models, depending on how many I get painted. And the Rogue Trader ones as regular grots!

So, I think that's it for this month. 

Unfortunately I didn't get as much as I wanted done - a return to work and those household chores scuppered quite a few painting opportunities. I will have to get used to getting up much earlier and painting before work again!

Cheers, and hopefully see you next month for a wildcard month.


Warboss: 102
Weirdboy: 85
Runtherd: 18
Battlewagon: FREE (I'm counting this as an EXTRA)
Bodyguards x2: FREE (Also EXTRAS)
Grot MVP: FREE (Also, again, EXTRA)
TOTAL: 205

(Proposed army list)

(Rank and File month 1)

(Rank and File month 2)

(Rank and File month 3)

(Leader month)


  1. Oh...Wow!....I'm lost for words....

    1. Ha - thank you Lissanne - high praise indded :)

  2. Amazing job! The strong colours assault the senses and the amount of detail is just staggering - the freehand banners,freehand icons and designs, striped clothes (three colours...) and characterful faces. Great job! How on earth did you manage to do so much intricate painting in one month?! Clearly, the power of Mork compels you! 😉

    1. I know that as soon as this challenge is over I won't paint, so it's gotta get done now or never! Besides, I think I painted the warlord and his bodyguard in month one and have left them as insurance in case I ran out of steam. Unfortunately that's looking likely with the return to work/household chores etc for these upcoming months, but hopefully I can scrape by :)

  3. So much yellow! So much red! So many banners!

    1. YES! In fact, all the red and yellow and green and blue.... These are the paints that I've actually used a whole pot of! I've never done that before - I mean either the pot has dried out / gone bad or been spilt, but this time I was literally scraping out the bottom of the paintpots!

  4. This is incredible! The color and detail is beyond belief, and those banners are amazing.

    1. Well, that's very kind of you to say! Some of the other armies taking shape here are soooo outstanding, I guess it's super cool to be snapping on their heels :) thank you! I Just gotta focis and not look at that new shiny model thats not ork related....

  5. Words wouldn't express what I'd like to say so I'm just going to be silent.

  6. Lovely work! Each model is absolutely amazing 👌

    1. Ah, nice one cheers! My favorite has to be the runtherd I think. I was just really lucky in how his face came out, and with these orks my thinking has been that as long as I spend a little more time on the face, the rest of the model can be a bit quicker, and still have the same impact - but keep the motivations higher :)

  7. Your colors are so damn vibrant! I am in awe of your Orks, they are beautiful. The way you do the skin is outstanding. You really should write a step by step guide on Ork painting.

    Outstanding work. Well done!

    1. Awesome, cheers! It's definitely been more of a focus for me this year - spending a little more time on the faces. There's a step-by-step post in April's post, although I guess what I don't write in words I hopefully make up for in pictures....

  8. Wow - I reckon that paint job would have the same effect on the enemy as WW1 dazzle camouflage! The spirit stones are a nice touch - you must be rivaling Team Eldar in the "gems painted" department XD

    As has been said the vibrancy of your colours and the attention to detail is outstanding - Bravo!

    1. ha! Thank you. The spirit stones were a bit of a chore, but to be fair they were quite nice to do. I think though if I had to paint hundreds of them every month I might crack, so kudos to those teameldar peeps!
      The vibrancy I think is down to maybe a little fluorescent paint in the mix... plus I think the lighting in these has come out really well. (The lighting is just by chance really - I use my paining light and my cameraphone, and this year I have not used any automatic corrections that my phone suggests :) )

    2. Interesting - I used small amounts of fluorescent orange and yellow for the molten metal effects on my big Brass Bull God thing and was quite pleased with how it photographed even though I missed the natural light because I was still painting and basing on the last day of the month! XD Looks like I'll have to expand my collection of fluorescent colours and experiment a bit more because I love the effects you achieve - you're also dead right about getting the lighting spot on for the photos though and it's often a happy accident - the bright sunshine I had outside when I photographed the Beastmen I did the other month really lifted those pics.

    3. For sure! I always feel lucky when I look at my own photographs... I feel I may have to buy another painting lamp to help with this feeling of winging it!

  9. I would spend a day checking all these awesome details you painted and probably still miss half of it. This is absolutely stunning and anyone would love to play against this army!

    1. Cheers :)
      I found the models super nice to paint. Some of them were a little hard to start, but as soon as a main colour went down I just got well into it! Hopefully I'll get to play a game with them next year :)

  10. That's crazy!! Great centerpiece

    1. ha! It's so iconic, and when the opportunitiy arose I had to do it. £60 is the most I think I've ever paid for a model, and to be fair, it'd never have got painted if not for this wonderful challenge - so thank you!

  11. Awesome. Spectacular. Fantastic. Mighty. Speechless

  12. This is simply jaw-droppingly impressive! Awesome job!

  13. Cheers for the (very) kind words! thank you!

  14. I haven't seen a classic battle wagon in years, amazing work on it.

    1. Thanks!
      I shouldn't have one - just dropped it and broke the wheels off... Man, I need to treat this thing with respect, not push it around making vrrroooom nois.... Wait, what?
      Anyhow, it's an easy fix, I'm glad the reminisce is strong! All the best


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