Monday, May 3, 2021

Mike's Waagh Grotgut (384 points)

Rank and File Month 4

April is nearly gone and with it most of the challenge has passed. For this month I followed up the theme of last month and stayed working on savage orcs. Unless I do an all goblin list there is always room for a unit of these fellows. While not hard hitting as big un's in the weapon skill and strength department, they make up for it with the increased survivability of their belief that colored paint it better than metal. Given how much longer they have survived in games compared to other units I can't argue with the results. I've had probably 30 of these guys for awhile and I think I had only painted a couple previously, so it was nice to get a few more done. Hopefully I can finish them all in the near future, but I need to get some more as some are equipped with two hand weapons but most have shields.

I love the command models of this unit in particular and it was nice to get them finished. 

I also did the orc in a headdress model, which in the future will be a orc hero (as I type this I should have done one more model so I could have him such in the list). He's been in my collection forever and I wish there were more like him as the sculpts do get repetitive.

 Lastly because I put him in the original picture because I thought I'd have to use him as a command figure, I had a savage orc shaman available as 287 bonus points as a lord. I almost always take one if I'm fielding a unit of savage orcs as the bonus to the war paint save is a fantastic bonus.

So April is done and on to May!


  1. Great looking orcs and great painting! There are some real characters in there!

  2. These are so nice. I might need to add Savage Orcs to my plans for OWAC V.

  3. Great work! I recently picked up more savage orc sculpts, including the headdress guy, and after seeing yours painted up I can’t wait to get started on them!

  4. The older Orc with the head dress is one of my favourite Orc models - nice job! Loving the vibrant blue warpaint!

  5. Nice job on those face paints, they look great

  6. You should have a look out for the older savage orc range, it might add the variety to the painting table that you want. Lovely painting on these.

  7. Great job on some classic models!


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