Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Nathan’s Nick Lund Ogres rank and file (396 points)

Well I made it just in time. Again. This month I managed to paint up 6 ogres by Nick Lund. 5 are citadel figures from 1984 whist the big guy is a grenadier figure from around 1989 that was done for the fantasy warriors game. I like Lund’s sculpting style even if the execution is a bit rough at times. Quite expected for 1984 figures; as for the fantasy warrior stuff I understand the sculptors sacrificed a bit of quality for quantity and cheap prices. Especially compared to citadel which was their major competitor. As I understand things it worked and the game and figures sold very well right into the mid 1990s. Anyway enough crapping on from me this is what I painted up points wise:

- 5 ogres with double handed weapons, shields and light armour for 290 points
- level 5 hero with double handed weapon and light armour for 106 points

Here they are:


  1. Glad you are still with us! I've not seen most of those sculpts either!

  2. I'm a big fan of Nick Lund's style too and it's great to see these sculpts painted up. Nice work and I love the effect you got with the Grenadier guy's armour in particular!

  3. Well, please sir - some more carping on, I kinda love all that history stuff! I don't think I've seen these models before (maybe the guy with the spikey mace?), and they're looking good in their varies skintone and lacquered armour. Cheers!

  4. Love the varied ogres, that's so cool

  5. Love those figures. Someday I will get them painted so kudos for achieving it.

  6. Great to see these painted up! Good job!


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