Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Sam’s 2nd Ed. Catachans – Danger Fist! (229pts)

All you need to know about this month is that I started painting on Saturday afternoon. Saturday 29th of May that is!!!! We made it though, the struggle continues.

Fortunately, considering the above, I had planned into my leader month this month. However, being Imperial Guard it is still a squad anyway, so it was only a few less models to tackle.

The List (Leader)

Command Squad – 179pts

·         Colonel, Comm- link, Battle Standard, Flamer x 2

Commissar with P.Fist – 50pts

Sammy 'Danger Fist' Balboa

Some of these sculpts are absolute bangers. The Colonel and the Comm-link are great, and the Commissar is probably one of the finest sculpts GW have ever produced.

The battle standard is a conversion. They never made 2nd Ed. battle standard sculpts, so this is a spare lascannon loader with a 3rd Ed. plastic banner spliced on.  

For the last month I have a bit of a points discrepancy to make up. So, the plan is a regular squad, a heavy weapons squad, and a sentinel. That way all the rank-and-file models are painted during the challenge, and I can just add the tanks at a later date when I want to push the force to 1500-2000pts to take on those colourful Nids.

 Anyway bring on the last month. Good luck to all, I’m looking forwards to catching up on the entries

Peace out



  1. Well done sir, you left it later, but you got there.

  2. I could never paint them so well and so fast- Good job!

  3. Looking good dude, although I will still never understand how you manage to paint so much in so little time (nor understand why you keep leaving it to the end of the month :p)

    1. Doing things last minute is not a choice for me dude, its a way of life, a philosophy! Now I go back into hibernation for a few weeks

  4. So much detail painted in so little time! You might need to start a day or too earlier this month though 😁

  5. hail the fist team !! :D
    great painting job indeed !

  6. What the deuce! That's an incrdible quality for the time available - stirling work!

  7. Ah the old Eleventh Hour surge - been there before! You've pulled it off and then some - lovely work. Danger Fist Balboa - love it!


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