Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Dustin's Dwarfs: The Wrap-Up!

Thus concludes another OWAC. I wish that I had been able to paint more, but it seemed like real life and adult responsibilities kept pulling my attention and energy away from the stunties. Overall, I'm really happy with my little force, as it brought me out of my usual Orcs and Goblins comfort zone, forcing me to paint more realistic skintones and even crafting a few banners from graph paper. It still feels a little small for gaming, though. I think I'd like to add another couple units of warriors or elites and a proper war machine or two. I had plenty of stuff on deck (Miners, Thunderers, Rangers, Warriors, Bolt Thrower, Goblobber), but time and motivation were in ever-shorter supply as the Challenge went on.

The final army list:

Level 20 Dwarf Hero (168), with double-handed hammer (2), Mithril heavy armor (28) -- 198 points
Level 5 Dwarf Army Standard Bearer (98), with heavy armor (3) -- 101 points

Level 5 Dwarf Hero (48) with light armor (2) and shield (1) -- 51 points
19 Dwarf Warriors with light armor and shields, Standard, Musician --  231 points

Level 5 Dwarf Hero (48) with crossbow (3) and light armor (2) -- 53 points
19 Dwarf Crossbowmen with crossbows and light armor, Standard, Musician -- 273 points

2 Dwarf Fire Thrower Teams with heavy armor -- 124 points

TOTAL: 1031 points

Looking toward next year's challenge, I've got a couple of ideas bouncing around in my head. Maybe more Orcs to make up for failing to complete last year's challenge, or some High Elves to really get out of my comfort zone. Still a few months left to decide (and pick up some new minis).

Thanks again to Iannick for overseeing and coordinating this whole project! Until next year!!


  1. Dwarfs look wonderful! Congratulations! High Elves have a lot of gems....

  2. Good job! It's a lovely little force and I hope you'll add to it in future. I know it's a bit late, but I really wish we'd instituted Team Not-That-Many-Miniatures to separate us sensible types from the over-achievers and show-offs ;)

  3. A glorious little force, great job! Such classic models!
    I'm a big fan of the banner matching the shield, and the fact that your warriors are all individually dressed is awesome!
    My vote is to add to this force!

  4. That's a good looking force! You dealt with the challenge of the skin tones well. Nice to see these old minis painted. I have a soft spot for the flamethrower. I hope you share the photos if you get round to adding the elite unit and War machine(s).

  5. More power to the beards, well done sir

  6. Reading what you left behind, you should think about painting dwarfs next year! Congratulations for this beginning 😉

  7. Really great work on these Dustin...I look forward to facing them on the table sometime soon!

  8. Always great to see those Fantasy Regiments plastics get some love and you can't go wrong with those Marauder beauties! The army looks great all together - Congrats!

  9. It's a great looking force. It has all the essentials of a dwarf army. Plus sharp painting, marauder dwarfs and flamethrowers. Congratulations!

  10. Some good looking stunties!
    Personally, I think you should keep going on the dwarves! Although I wouldn’t hate seeing more Orcs next year :)

  11. Well done on painting up a cracking little force. I'd second (or third) the idea of painting more of your dwarves although its understandable to want to make a change, especially if you were struggling for motivation towards the end.


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