Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Andrea's Space Wolves Intro post

Hi to all,

here is me again in the OWAC after one edition pause!

A lot of changes since OWAC3, the most remarkable one being the introduction of WH40K universe: therefore, here we are in power armour, bolter and fur!

I started my journey into the hobby with fantasy miniatures mid-90s but I later discovered the 40K universe... needless to say, being raised with bread and Star Wars, all space things with laser shots, aliens from outer space, futuristic armours and so on, I was immediately captured. 

Everything began (as for most of us, probably) with Space Marines; Dark Angels were the first, my mind taken by their power armour covered by monkish robes. Then, there were Imperial Guards, Eldars, other Space Marines, and then even more Imperial Guard, up to three or four platoons. So, the choice for this OWAC was quite easy for me: 2nd Edition Imperial Guard, with an Eldar allied contingent. Though, when everything was ready (after miniature finding, stripping baths, army list refining), the always-cursed Tzeentch put his changing touch to my well conceived plan...

You have to know that last year I changed house, moving to a bigger flat (that was one of the main reason of my OWAC pause). I, then, acquired also a nice two-floors garage were I placed my hobby lab and miniature storage. This summer we decided to restore the external walls of the building and... well, workers built the scaffold in a way that the door of my garage remained shut, likely until mid-January! Now, it is easy to guess were my Imperial Guard and Eldar miniatures are in this moment.

So, plan B. A good friend of mine is a long-term Space Wolves obsessed hoarder collector/gamer and he was impressed by the 2nd ed battle we have had with Filippo last summer. So he kindly proposed me to paint his old-school Space Wolves. And here we are now: I am happy to have the opportunity to paint them, as they are one of the armies I would have painted one day or another. I quite like their lore, the Viking shape and the fact that their units organization differ from the other Space Marines (it is also ironic that my first 40K army were Dark Angels, traditionally an enemy of Space Wolves!). On the bad side, they are incredibly rich of small details but this should not fear an OWACer, and surely not one used to paint Eldar! So I think I will enjoy the painting, and I hope to get a final good-looking force!

Ok, then, here is the list from the 2nd edition codex:

Characters                                  points
Ragnar Blackmane ..................141
Iron priest ...................................45
Grey Hunter Pack
Blood Claws Pack .....................260
--->5-men pack on foot   

(2 power fist, 1 chainsword, 

1 power sword, 1 power axe, 

1 hand flamer, 1 plasma pistol) .. + 47

--->5-men pack on bike .............+ 100
(1 power fist, 1 chainsword, 

1 power sword, 1 hand flamer, 

1 sgt with meltagun) ....................+ 40

Wolf Guard Terminator (x5) ..250
(1 assault cannon, 

1 Cyclon missile launcher, 

1 chainfist, 1 power sword, 

2 power fist, 4 storm bolter) ......+ 154

Predator Annihilator ..............120
(lascannon lateral sponsons) ......+ 90
total .............................................1563

Miniatures are all 2nd edition (a lot of metal), with a few heresies here and there like 3rd edition weapons or similar. Here are the guys, bare metal:

Sir Ragnar, in all his savage fashion



 The Iron Priest, this is a recovery of the 2nd ed one with the hammer head from 3rd edition. But we are waiting (perhaps) for a nice, entire miniature!



The Grey Hunters pack 

The Blood Claws pack, on foot pack (still have to assemble, a last minute catch!)

The Blood Claws pack, on bike pack 



Wolf Guard terminators

Finally, the Predator Annihilator

There is even more, which I probably show you later and include as stretch goals (like the Dreadnought, a couple of Rhinos, scouts, and a few more characters), but it will be already a challenge (in fact...) if I manage to paint everything without going crazy!

To finish this intro post, the tribute to our benevolent Overlord, more or less as requested (I mean, this is my best guess of baby blue!):


 I am really excited to start this challenge and I am sure that will be a great ride together you all, fellow OWACers! Good luck everyone, I can't wait to see your armies!

ciao, Andrea


  1. Gutted about the scaffolding! But Space Wolves are so iconic, I'm sure you'll love them! Good luck!

  2. Win win for you and your friend. A funny story with a happy ending. Best of luck.

  3. No going to lie I wanted to see your 2nd Ed. IG, but SW are a fine replacement. Looking forwards to some OG goodness

  4. As you can see, even from the thorniest situations of endless construction work (we understand you well, unfortunately!) unexpected opportunities can arise. Good luck with your awesome Space Wolves, a mix of technology and savage barbarism!

  5. Glad to see you could join us again! A lot of space marines this OWAC! Team space marine anyone?

  6. Always good to see classic Wolves, and I dig your work on the Guardian!

  7. Yeah thats peak baby blue allright!

  8. For a moment there I thought you were going to say that you were trapped in your garage - hence OWACV! Are you thinking grey space wolves or blue/grey space wolves?

  9. Excellent, a worthy army and opponent for my IW... *sinister laugh*

  10. Great to see you back - I'll even overlook my natural distaste for Space Wolves as any project that involves painting for friends in order to get more games is the very noblest of causes! :)

  11. Commiserations on the inconsiderate workmen (unless the scaffolding absolutely had to go there!) XD

    Looks like you got a lucky friend though!


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