Sunday, December 26, 2021

Ian McMurray's Goblins - Introduction

“Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt.”

― Sun Tzu, The Art of War

My name is Ian McMurray, I am a French Canadian from Montreal, Quebec, Canada (just like our mighty Overlord). I am so happy to have the opportunity to participate in my first Old World Army Challenge! I discovered the blog about a year ago and was instantly hooked to all the talent and dedication of its participants. 


Those old school aesthetics and philosophy always had an effect of me, reminiscing me of my introduction to the hobby about 30 years ago, with a certain nostalgia and excitement. I quickly wrote the Overlord when I realized I could be part of it and was, like many others, put on the waiting list. I was very surprised to get an invitation in November 2021, as some places became available. I am very excited to be part of this great adventure!


About 30 years ago I played a handful of Warhammer Fantasy Battle games, mixing some WFB 3rd and 4th editions rules. I also played a few games of 40K with the first Rogue Trader book. I always like the excitement of collecting the miniatures, slowly building an army (mainly Wood Elves and Space Marines back then), writing lists, the quietness and concentration required to paint miniatures. And of course the friendly gathering to play games. I sadly gave away most of my miniatures after a few years but still kept a few in a shoe box than I rediscovered about 4 years ago… Which was the impulse to get back into the hobby.


In 2017, I bought Shadow War Armageddon, then Kill Team a year later. I never had the chance to play any of them but I liked the concept of small squads, requiring a lot less investment of time and money to play and paint miniatures. I sold both games not long after, realizing that I was really drawn back to the fantasy world and that 40K was really not my cup of tea (or pint of beer as I don't drink much tea). In the meantime, ironically (forget my previous statement about not investing too much money...), I was buying tens, ok maybe a few hundreds miniatures, painting supplies and accessories... and a complete box of Mordheim. I was spending money that I never had has a teenager/young adult. I bought a lot of miniatures to put together Mordheim warbands as I rediscovered this game and was very attracted to it. Meanwhile, I was also slowly building both a goblin and an undead army… with many other side projects, which means more miniatures. I also started building some scenery with XPS foam and other materials. 


Fast forward to November 2021 and that message from the Overlord telling me I was accepted in the 5thedition of the OWAC. I already have tons of miniatures (almost none really old school though...) and wouldn’t require buying too much more to submit an army. I had a few options: 


1. Continuing my ever-growing goblin army.

2. Continuing my ever-growing undead army.

3. Skaven (I have about 200 metal Skaven).

4. Go out of my comfort zone and do something totally different from what I am used to.


Number 3 and 4 were eliminated quickly as I realized I really wanted to expend one of my existing army. After a few days of writing lists for goblin and undead projects, I finally choose those pesky green skins! That goblin box of shame will slowly diminish for a good cause: the OWAC!


Here’s a few pictures of some of my painted goblin collection:


So my main idea is to add a quick strike force consisting mainly of wolf riders and chariots as I already had almost everything I need. I was also trying to figure out a way to avoid painting hundreds of goblins for my first OWAC and limiting myself to almost the strict minimum, trying to be realist with my leisure time. So here’s the planned army:
Some pieces aren’t glued because it will be easier to paint them apart first and assembling afterward. I am also missing a few shields for the wolf riders. 


I used the 4th edition Orcs & Goblins army book to build my list. I didn’t spend any points on magic items, banners and all those extra stuffs. I only wanted a simple list with the minimum 1000 points requirement. So here's how I plan to paint:


Leader month: Grom and Niblit in chariot - 257 points


It will be put on a single base and I hope I will have the time and talent to do a nice banner.


Rank & File months 1 and 2: 10 Goblin wolf riders each month - 200 points

If I have enough time, I will try to paint all 20 wolves riders in one month and then have some spare time for an extra unit or something special for the available month. 


Rank & File month 3: 5 Trolls - 325 points



Rank & File month 4: 20 night goblins and 3 fanatics - 150 points.


I chose to primed the goblins in black as I am painting the cloaks first with some dry brushing and it saves me a lot of time. Pictures aren't very clear though...

Wild Card month: 2 goblin chariots with scythed wheels - 180 points



Total: 1112 points


Finally, here’s my offering to the Overlord, which I would like to thanks again for all the time and passion he put into this project. I will try to deliver it in person as we live not too far away from each other.



Voilà! I hope everyone will have fun, participants and readers alike! I wish everyone a wonderful holiday, stay safe and take care of each other.


See you in January!




  1. Exciting army! Looking forward to your successes!

  2. Welcome to the madness, that is the challenge.

  3. Brilliant! I'm looking forward to your progress, especially with Grom :) good luck!

  4. That's a nice force, and who knew a pink troll could work so well?

  5. A most excellent offering!

    Looking forward to all thos3 lovely 4th gobbos

  6. A similar style of force to what I have planned. Best of luck with the little buggers.

  7. Bloody hell! That's an infantry block isn't it! It'll be great to see your attention brought to these classic models with your painting style, you've got so many great figures to work with!

  8. Fantastic! I always admire those willing to take on the challenge of Goblins in the OWAC. Great selection of models and a wonderful tribute mini!

  9. just a couple of wolves, ain't it? :-D


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