Friday, January 28, 2022

Ian McMurray's Goblins - Leader month ( 257 points)

I have decided to start the OWAC with my leader month as I didn't have any nice leader in my still in progress goblin army. I was doing a lot of rank and files before starting the challenge as one of my goal is to have 600 goblins (300 archers and 300 with spears and shields) from the Battle for Skull Pass box, so I needed a break. More on that goal maybe another time...

So at least if I were to drop out of the challenge, I would have the leader of my army! Not that I am planning on that though.

So here it is:

Grom and Niblet on Chariot - 257 points

I really love the original old school color scheme of the chariot, with lot of flashy red but I found out that: 1. I can't reproduce the exact same colors (so there's no point trying); 2. I prefer more realistic colours with my painting. So instead of trying to mimic the work of others, I prefer to explore a more down to earth approach. I also wanted the option of taking both characters out of the chariot so I didn't glue them on it and made some bases for the on foot version:

I haven't done a banner yet. I'm terrible at drawing and I don't like the official Grom Banner. I need more time to think about it and try to do something nice. It will be ad by the end of the challenge. I want it to represent the wolf riders and chariots first, which will be the main force behind this year's challenge.

Next month should be 20 goblin wolf riders.

Here's all the information about Grom and Niblet if you're curious: 

Stay safe and take care of each other.



  1. Very nice Ian. I like the realistic approach, and you get BONUS POINTS from me for swappable bases as this is one of my favourite things to do (*makes note to do this with own army*)

  2. Really excellent work Ian!
    Looking forward to see a block of 600 gobs!

    1. Thank you! I only completed 144 goblins with spear and 97 goblins with bow. I should be done by 2027.

  3. Great work! I have the model and intend on doing it for some challenge or other (not OWAC!) You did a inspirational job!

    1. Thank you! I really like the variety of it: wolves, chariot, bases, Grom, Niblet… and eventually a banner!

  4. Awesome brush-work dude, looking forward to seeing the rest of the army !

  5. Fantastic work on one of the best models of the era.

  6. Outstanding work, love the skin tones you've gone with.

  7. Very nice indeed - I definitely think the more naturalistic look suits the model better than the traditional bright red! Great idea to have the dismounted option too. If you've got access to the old 3rd edition Armies book, there's some great artwork of Goblinoid shield and banner designs - very handy when you're looking for inspiration!

  8. I really must look to getting one of these for my own chariort force, you've done the model proud, well done sir.

  9. Red noses, colour fade on horns, colour fade on wolves - man, it all looks great! Can't imagine the drudgery of painting THAT many goblins though, although what a sight to behold when everything's done. All the best with the Challenge!

  10. great work! the work on the goblin face is amazing!

  11. Gorgeous work, definitely ready to see more of it!

  12. The more natural colour pallete works so well for this model, really lovely work.

  13. That has to be one of my favourite painted versions of these figures. Great idea for the swappable bases.


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