Sunday, May 8, 2022

Mustafa’s GSC and Nids. Total so far 1029 points (66 points)

 I’m an idiot who doesn’t know how to read a calendar, so thought I had one more day to polish off a few last bits. Obviously not, so this month’s lot will be quite meagre. While it is 10 minis, it’s a bit weak in regards to points.

I think I just managed to squeeze this in (surely it’s still April somewhere on the planet!), so here’s what got done in April :)

We have 10 Termagants, and one of them has a strangleweb. That’s a whopping 66 points of fury!

As with the rest of the army, I wanted to see what could get done with juts washes and drybrushes. Mucky and desaturated is the style of choice for these lads.


  1. They look great! The glowing green bioluminescence is just enough to emphasise their spiteful alien intelligence

  2. Maybe not many points but they look a million dollars :) The subtle green is really effective

  3. Got to say that colour scheme is effective.

  4. Very cool effect. That desaturated, dark scheme looks great on them - they look organic and very menacing. Much closer to their xenomorph inspiration than the colourful versions

  5. Lovely colourscheme and proper nice execution - they look great, real cockroachy!


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