Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Pokrzyw's High Elves - God of war - Rank&File #3 (150pts)

 The more ferocious than repeater bolt thrower is battery of bolt throwers.

Elves never use gunpowder, using their classical bolt throwers. One heavy bolt, or cloud of minor arrows means versatility. This is often first target for enemy troops, but really hard-biting target.

This was the worst month. I've planned to finish two chariots plus three bolt throwers. Chariots still stays on shelf. I'm not happy 

Continuing tradition of colourful nineties I use scheme from army book.


  1. Lovely colors! Everyone needs more boltthrowers!

  2. Congrats on pushing through and posting up anyhow, they're looking formidable!

  3. Well done for making it! Every High Elf Host needs at least three bolt throwers before they can start thinking about luxuries like chariots anyway! ;)

  4. Fearsome looking battery and it looks like teleported right from the mid nineties. Great job!

  5. I've played most of my games of Warhammer against Dark Elves, so I hate repeating bolt throwers, but at least yours are pretty colours :)

  6. Certainly not going to miss those on the tabletop!


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