Sunday, June 5, 2022

Quin’s Rainbow Vale - Giants of Olde (1800 Points)

Rank & File Month IV

This first figure here is a member of the C28 Giants family. This model is made up of the following parts, Body Pose 3, Head 9 and Weapon 6.
This giant was not as pleasant to paint as the others (the chains on the body have more nooks & crannies than I’ve been used to, painting these mostly naked fellows the last few months) I think the struggle was worth my effort though, as in return he may be my favorite of the bunch.

Up next the classic Fiend Factory Giant, George the Giant. Formerly numbered as FF64v2, later in life he was one of the first C28 giants.
Lots of fun to paint this big guy, in many ways my paint job was inspired by Mike Meyer’s “Fat Bastard”

Now we find the Great Imperial Dragon, a massive creature that dwarfs even these giants. Somehow while painting him I broke the tip of his right wing off, never to be seen again :/

Here we have a cousin of George, Fergus the Psychotic Troll Giant. I believe the origination of this model was as a mail order special, the sculpt is based on the torso of George with lots of additions. When I picked this figure up he was painted a dull grey, which I didn’t mind. When repainting I decided to try my hand at a grey skin tone.

Next, here is a C28 Giant, again. We’re looking at Body 2, Head 2 and Weapon 4. I wanted at least one of my giants to have an “orcish” skintone, and this guy fit the part. Another fun one to paint!

And finally, another C28 Giant. This time comprised of Body 6, Head 3 and Weapon 1

Again, I had great fun painting this monster, with a reddish-yellow skin tone and light blue tattooing. This fella might have my favorite of the C28 head options, of course due to the bone through top knot.

5 Giants 250 points each (1250)

Dragon Type 3 with Flight (550)

Total for May - (1800)

I’ve got a few giants still straggling behind, so next month I plan to paint them up, as well as my final unit of orcs for the army. Unfortunately I haven’t been able to touch my Drew Day Williams Bog Trolls,,, if I have time they might get started as well.

Sewers.of.Estark signing out


  1. That is an amazing amount of work, Quinton, and an amazing collection of old figs! Especially love the ancient dragon!

  2. Huge points this month. Your dragon is my favorite as it brought me back to when I painted one. Keep up the great work.

  3. Some classic pieces, the combined weight of all that lead must be quite high! Lovely paintwork, especially the Imperial Dragon

  4. Massive!
    The dragon with is classic transfixing eye is my favourite, and also the purple stripy scabbard on the greenskin :)

  5. Whoa! That is more C28 Giants than I think I've ever seen in one place before! Plus one of my all time favourite dragons! This project is just brimming with classic lead!

  6. Can't wait to battle these next time you are in Tacoma!

  7. These are extremely cool models, packed with character, and your painting really brings it to the fore!

  8. Classic figures with a classic paint job, well done.


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