Sunday, February 5, 2023

Dungeonbowl Celestial Comets (Rank and File month 1)

First up is my elf team for classic dungeonbowl, the Celestial Comets. I had hoped to paint 16 figures in January but in the end I only managed to finish 12 as I lost 10 days in the middle of the month to travel and illness. The remaining four will be finished of this month. Anyway here they are:

These were painted to match the colour scheme which is on the back of the box rather than the front which you can see here:

My plan with these is to add the comet symbol to the figures with some printed decals. All I need to do is print some up at work which I couldn’t do in January as I was on holidays. In addition to finishing this team off February has me painting up the Grey Shadows dungeonbowl team which should be fun.


  1. I like those figs. Don't suppose you have any of the masked ones laying around extra? Definitely not asking so that I could paint them as wildly degenerate Slaaneshi freaks.

  2. Always loved these models - and you've nailed the colour scheme!

  3. Lovely stuff - especially the studwork. That's a lot of studs!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Great looking team, very faithful rendition of the colour scheme. Also they'so so very 80s!

  6. Absolute 80s! I can imagine them doing aerobics as their warm up before a game - great stuff :)


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