Sunday, February 5, 2023

Benjamin & OLLEYQUEST - Leader Month takes an unexpected turn

January was going to be a breeze. Despite moving house, having lots of stuff on at work, family visits and a trip away - just four figures was going to be utterly achievable right? RIGHT?


But it was fine. I can just reorientate, maybe even retire peacefully, and use all that free time spent not doing OWAC to do some much needed housework and catch up on deadlines.


So what went wrong THIS time?

The Bob Olley bitz box brims with potential

I had managed to claw a day or so and a few evenings over the past week to crack on with these guys. The fab four. I'd even made a few creative discoveries along the way.

Painting the elf first, I'd stumbled into quite a nice palette, shading recesses with a blue, then highlighting with a pink. It was great. Simple, sophisticated - and guaranteed to work on everything else right?

The elf finally felt cool...


For the life of me I've just not been able to replicate it. Either it's the complexity of other models (the dwarf is extra fiddly) - or I just need more time to pull it apart and codify it into a new process to apply to everything else. Who knows.

The Forbidden Tizer

The Barbarian and Wizard have had another dettol bath. The Dwarf is awaiting his THIRD if you can believe that. My plan is to keep the elf as he is, but repurchase all the parts from Essex Miniatures to recreate him - just incase the style of this project goes the other way.

So gloomy 😞

So in short no heroes this month.

So why are you still here Benjamin?

Well dear reader. Gentle support and peer pressure to keep going.

The ultimate backup to completely fluffing your time management on OWAC it seems, is to just paint ONE LEADER. However in this case, in the absence of the heroes, this really wasn't going to fly. The gargoyle is still in the bits box, and the chaos sorcerer, well is he really a leader?

Who else could suffice?

Ah yes...

The Old Man

So I had flirted with the idea of making Zargon/Morcar/Mentor/Guy-from-the-box for the Wildcard month, as I was going to make the dungeon, and it is HIS dungeon right?

He chiefly comprises of a random Essex Olley dwarf head with an undead bishop guy from Reaper that was originally going to become a beastmen shaman last year (I'd stupidly already taken the feet off!🤦‍♂️).

Until this afternoon he looked like this.

Well at 4pm on Jan 31st the sculpting began - and gosh darn it if you're in this position blasting greenstuff with a hairdryer and leaving it for a few seconds to cure can really do wonders.

Still a bit green and gummy

And then with some paint...

This guy has the worst basement.

From start to finish he's taken about 8 hours, sculpting, painting, and eating tea.

So there we have it. Leader month, from the precipice. Olleyquest is still alive. ALIVE.


  1. so close to the field of bones! Congratulations for the wizard

  2. Sorry to hear your tale of woe, but inspired by your heroics of how you came back into the fight at the midnight hour, well done sir

  3. This is inspiring stuff. A true tale of heroic derring-do! And a great outcome.

  4. Well done, glad you're still with us 🙂 It just wouldn't be you to have got there by a conventional route, would it?

  5. He looks brilliant, and what a tale of survival against all odds!

  6. Glad you made it! It's quite amazing what you could accomplish in 8 hours

  7. Happy you are still here! Zargon looks great!

  8. Perilously close to the field of bones! That was really down to the wire! Glad to see you made it!
    Great job on Zargon in that time!

  9. The stuff of legend!
    The paint in the old man is fantastic, let alone all the conversion work. Stirling stuff!

  10. Congrats on your continued survival! Very nice conversion!

  11. he stands supreme !! I love this creepy old guy

  12. Mate - you really pulled it out of the bag! I love the Elf and really hope you find a style you are happy with for the other heroes. Top marks for this effort to stay in the challenge!


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