Thursday, February 2, 2023

JamesP Chaos Renegades of Khorne - Month 1


So…First month done!

My plan with this project is to try new techniques. I started using an airbrush to prime my models instead of rattle cans. This allows me to prime and/or base coat in my office inside a portable spray booth. I’m also using the Army Painter Speedpaints to increase my productivity. This decision came after much thought about using what little free time I have in the best way possible. As I work full time and run my 3d printing company, I have very little time to paint. I want to get as much done with the time I have so here we are. I’m very happy with the results and I think the speedpaints will be a valuable addition to my hobby tool box. I like the vibrant colours, ease of application and despite the learning curve, I do save a lot of valuable time.

This portion of the army is as follows:

Tactical Squad – 250 points

1 Assault Marine on Jet-bike – 47.5 points

Total – 297.5 points


Here is the family photo so far 

The jet bike will be added to a full 8-man unit which will be a thing of beauty on the table top. I like the idea of a mounted assault squad but wasn’t too keen on the horses as I don’t feel they properly represent the 40K genre. I think the jet bike captures the chaos feel quite well.



  1. Good Idea using jet bikes- the army painter looks great btw. I was just given some mounted chaos renegades for Xmas, and it will be Juggernauts for me- been collecting them!

  2. Wonderful stuff, looking forward to seeing how these progress over the coming months. Always good to try something new.

  3. The new paints are looking great!

  4. Man I love the Rogue Trader Chaos marines. Great work.

  5. Nice work - the army painter paints look like they've worked out really well!

  6. Awesome start! These turned out really well. The newer style jetbike fits in well.


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