Thursday, April 6, 2023

Praise the Emperor and pass the ammunition! (Skåls R&F 3)

The creed of the Redemption derives from the mainstream Imperial cult of the Ecclesiarchy. They worship the Emperor as a divine being, the supreme Man whose very existence proves the manifest destiny of mankind to rule the galaxy. The Redemptionists believe that mankind has fallen from the path of righteousness and that the sins of mankind will drown the human race in filth and depravity. As long as mankind is unable to control its sinful nature it will not be able to unite and conquer the stars as the Emperor truly wishes them to. Sin must be purged by fire, blood and faith. 

The Redemption also sends "Crusades" of their most dedicated and fanatical brethren into the Underhive to purge it of sin with the holy fires of battle. A crusade is led by a Redemptive Priest who has the blessings of the council and is supplied with weapons and followers. A crusade patrols the Underhive, destroying abominations and battling heretics as they find them.

Zealots are crazed fanatics touched by the Emperor's fury and are so filled with bile and anger that they are in an almost pennanent state of rage. They test their faith by plunging headlong into combat with the greatest sinners they can find. They even lash at themselves to savour the pain of purgation, but they would rather carve the path of redemption into their enemies' hearts. Zealots carry only pistols or close combat weapons, preferring their battle of faith to be fought face to face with the sinners.

Painting up the a gang to go on a holy crusade in the name of the Emperor this month was awesome. I was intimidated by having to paint up the flames at first so I did everything else. Once everything was painted I worked on each miniature as an individual to figure out where I wanted to add the flames. After figuring out the style and colors I wanted to use the flames became easier. At first I only painted in the black areas as I had airbrushed the reds and did not want to mess the red up as it would be a pain in the @$$ to have to redo. 

I really like how each miniature looks like an individual with the flames, but the entire gang is very cohesive with the use of the reds and blacks. This gang looks very foreboding and evil on the table and should be a lot of fun to play with the types of weapons the gang can use. 

Sin comes in many forms: drinking, gambling, lying, cheating, profanity, lechery, fornication and shooting innocent, hardworking folk like Redemptionists. The worst sinners of all are mutants and witches, the spawn of evil, and the second worst are the heretics who tolerate sin and refuse to heed the word of Redemption. Redemptionists also believe the Spire and Guild are riddled with sinners as there they find little support; with the majority of followers coming from Hive City. 

Below are a few more photos. I am really happy with the way this gang turned out. The reds are nice and rich. I used a bit of the fluorescent orange to pop the flames.

Burn the heretic. Kill the mutant. Purge the unclean. It is better to die for the Emperor than to live for yourself. Fear denies faith.



  1. Oh, I like those, good colour scheme

  2. These are magnficent, you've really excelled yourself here. The care taken on the flames has definitely paid off

  3. Well done! The band is definitely one of the best in the Old Necromunda and you did a great job! Straight out of the Redeemer Comic :D

  4. Impressive update, love the contrast in the reds and the flame freehands. Always liked that band since I read the comics, I think that they're the most over the top band and probably closer to 2000AD the Necromunda aesthetics has gone.

  5. Wow, really nicely painted, great choice of colours!

  6. Excellent execution here - the limited but judicious use of the flames really brings the grim-dark colour scheme to life. Proper old school Necromunda, nice job!

  7. I am really envious of that paint job - that is a lovely red! Fantastic stuff, and great work with the flames - must've been nervewracking work!


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