Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Nathan’s rank and file month 3 - the Storm Bolts for Dungeonbowl

It has been a productive month indeed. I managed to finish off the last few figures for my Grey Shadows team and then painted up most of the figures for my Storm Bolts team for a total of 15 figures. I have to say I’m really having fun painting these figures - whilst second edition Blood Bowl may not be the best version of the game the figures are really well done. In my opinion much better than what followed in 3rd edition although the gameplay was clearly better from then onwards; the artwork was brilliant too. But each to his/her/their own which is the benefit of choice isn’t it? Here is what I managed to complete this month:

Plus the remaining figures for the Grey Shadows including their wizard:

Anyway next month it is the remaining Storm Bolts figures plus the a start on my Mongrel Horde team for blood bowl. I’m also slowly painting up the big guys for a number of teams for my monster month. All good fun!


  1. Nice, classic colour choices, well done

  2. Another cool team. I'm finding these really interesting, for instance I had no idea that "mixed race" teams were so common in Bloodbowl at this point in time.

  3. I agree with you on the models, easily the best there is. Lovely team again. This is an interesting project to follow and makes me wonder why I haven't played more dungeon bowl.

  4. I'm enjoying seeing the lesser known teams and colours of Dungeon Bowl as the project progresses - proper Oldhammer :)

  5. Niiiice! It's lovely seeing those old sculpts. I had no idea they had existed! Looking foward to seeing Monster Month :)


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