Monday, May 22, 2023

Mariano´s Wood elves - "Dragon"

Leader month 

Fancy a trip?


This month of painting has passed really quick for me.... ;). I have been think about the lack of big monsters in my army, just one treeman currently, and how I could change it, fist answer: The Dragon master. 

An iconic image of what a dragon should be...

I really liked the model except for the wings, too plane, too small. I searched into my boxes and I found a possible solution, the old Ral Partha Giant Wyvern (couldn´t find a better pic, sorry). 

It has a really big pair of wings

So, with a little bit of work I did the conversion...

And it was the final result, 100% metal dragon and rider, a total nightmare to carry this weight.

Current situation of the counting list:

5 Treekins --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10 models (January - Rank & File #I)

10 Waywatchers -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10 models (February- Rank & File #II)

10 Scouts ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10 models (March- Rank & File #III)

9 Wildwood rangers ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 models (April- Rank & File #IV)

2 Sorcerers ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 models (April- Rank & File #IV)

1 Dragon ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 models (May- Leader)

Time to show you some pics:

Hope you like it.

For the last month I have plenty of time (crossing fingers) and, as I said, I´m going to paint something out of my initial list. Expect feathers, many feathers....

Have a nice month (of painting).


  1. Wow, what a centerpiece!!! Stunning!

  2. Splendid! I love the variety of colours you've used on your dragon. couple of questions: the saddle seems to be in a different matter... where does it come from? same question with the back-wings of the rider.

    1. Writte you back throught messenger

    2. Original saddle with some Green stuff and a bit from high elves.
      Don't remember the company of the Wings, but are souppoused done for dark Angels 40K (not GW)

  3. What a fantastic model !! Wonderful work Mariano !!

  4. Usually I'd be horrified at someone converting such a classic model, but that is an excellent choice of wings and you've made full use of the extra texture they provide. Great job on making a very "High Elfy" model look great with a Wood Elf vibe.

    By coincidence, I think I've actually got a wingless Dragonmaster dragon in my collection, somewhere in the loft.

    1. I have the Wings and no plans for them...

    2. Well, let me confirm that I actually have the dragon and then we'll see :)

  5. What an amazing dragon and leader!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Amazing work converting and especially painting this classic dragon! Truly a stunning centerpiece to lead your beautiful army


  8. Absolutely stunning! Serious modelling skills on display with the all metal conversion to the bigger wings. It looks magnificent and the colour scheme is perfect!

  9. Gosh - this is next level. Bravo!

  10. I had one of those many many years ago. Sadly I did not do it justice. Yours is lovely.

  11. You say "I hope you like it"...but you're kidding! The first one who dares to say softly "yeah, it's not bad" will be fed to the dragon, that's all :D
    You are a wizard of the brush, nothing to add constructive, bravo for all your army, i'm breathtaking by this magical lights !


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