Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Month number 4 Ranks and troops - Albion's Regiment of Renown [395 points]

 Hello everyone,

just a couple of hours before the end of the months... I'm just in time to log my blog post before the deadline.

Now let's get back to the lore :

"It s said that KukulKan the giant blooded came through various feats and victories as he was growing ; but once full of pride he mocked the horned God to show the Island that he was beyond the reach of the Gods ... A beautiful lady offered him a golden necklace that was more beautiful than Kings' Crowns. It was his doom, a council of Druids came to him saying that he had to redeem himself in front of the horned God! Full of Wrath Kukulkan rushed them to destroy them but the necklace squeezed his neck !

He had to go through 12 laboors to be spared ..."

One of the laboor was to triumph of the Wights Isle's King! When he arrived in the Isle he saw the draugrs were already fighting some hybrids between wolfs and men ...

Beastmen from the book "Cranach of Morganloup"

So for these month I chose to paint the wolfmen aka the Faoladhs! 

As the lore of Albion is a bit blurry i took a lot s of freedom in making my army. When I was a young lad, the bearmen of Urslo were one of my favorite DOW regiment. I was willing to get them again in my Albion's Army.

Here is the group with a Druidess

As I was building them, I remembered the beastman from this old french comic book "Cranach of Morganloup" here are a couple of pictures:

They really have a look of medieval Moreau's island monsters. So as I was listening to the Moreau's Island audio book, I was more than inspired to paint them, here there are:

I made them some shields a bit like the one of Urslo but with wolf paws.

The heads are from Maximini miniatures (normally for Wolfens curse company i guess)

I really like the whole aspect of them as a full unit. They're looking good. I kept a really simple paintscheme in order to give the regimental appearance.

Kukulkan and the command Group

I really didn't know what to use as the werebear and was willong to go with a wendigo like creature, like werewolf with skull head ... but I didn't find something i liked. Then in my bitbox, this old ogre was here for years and I was like he s just the right size and the story of Kukulkan came to my mind.

Anyway, how did he get the feoladhs to follow him? You're asking me.

"Kukulkan rushed in battle against the undead. After a quick triumph, the leader of the manbeast attacked him and a fierce battle ensued. Kukulkan destroyed his left eye and left him bleeding on the ground. The other beasts told him the Law!
You won, you must be the new leader! This is the law!
Kukulkan refused and didn t need to be followed by such creatures but as he looks through the land of the island, he was surely going to need some helps to defeats the undeads army so he accepted.
The whole crew answered as one "None escapes the Law!""

From this moment, the former leader is carrying the banner and Kukulkan and his retainers travel through Albion to complish all the Druids Laboors ..."

I also did a small wizard Druidess with a brownie familliar.
Pointwise for the month:
20 wolfmen of Kukulkan 335 points
1 Druid level 1                 60 points

A total of 395 points.
From the start of the challenge 350 + 395 = 745 points

Let's run away!!!!!


  1. These are beautiful and I love the connection to your childhood (and the awesome comic!) Also, that druidess is brilliant!

    1. Hello, many thanks :) Yes the druidess is also from Conquest Games

  2. Lovely unit! I really like the shield design, and the heads are brilliant :)

    1. Thank you. I was pleased with the result myself, they look like proper Moreaux's Spawns.

  3. A unique unit, always a great thing to see. And I've never seen the comic story before, thanks for sharing that too.

    1. Thank you. The comics is Cranach de Morganloup. Sadly it only got 2 books. It didn't get the success of stories like Thorgal.

  4. Nice work, cool looking unit and I love the shields!

  5. Nice work, but this comics doesn't ring a bell at all (and I read a lot of them). Can you clarify when it was published?

    1. Hello Jaeckel, many thanks for your comment. Yes the comics was between 1987 and 1988, it only got 2 books and didn't get much success. You can find more information on this wiki page: https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cranach_de_Morganloup

  6. Such a rich backstory and brilliant reference points for this unit. The painting, basing and curation of sculpts really comes together. Top marks!


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