Tuesday, June 6, 2023

The Mongrel Horde - Nathan’s last rank and file month

Ah the finish line is well within sight. And what a sight it is. I must admit I have been struggling with motivation to paint figures for the challenge the last month or so. But with the end in sight my motivation has returned. That has seen me get into painting my last team for the challenge which is the mongrel horde whilst finishing off the remaining figures for my storm bolts team for dungeonbowl. I also painted a test figure for the dwarf warhammerers team that I plan to do in the months following the challenge. Enough crapping on from me, here they are:

Storm bolts with their wizard 

Mongrel horde

Plastic dwarf from the Dungeonbowl Box 


  1. Nice team- not familiar with it as it is not in the edition I play apparently. Go Team Bloodbowl!

  2. These look great again. You're so good at bright colours, I really need to up my game there.

  3. Can't beat a chainsaw lunatic clad in pink and black. The Mongrel horde is awesome

  4. Awesome work, Nathan! Your figures are looking sharp. Keep it up, the finish line is near!

  5. Pink and black looks awesome! Great job on these!

  6. Nice work on the plastic Dwarf - the yellow and red is very vibrant!


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