Sunday, July 2, 2023

Mustafa’s Oswald Gektov had a busy month!

 Due to my inability to use a calendar, I found I only had a week left to get this month’s entry done.

Not a problem as undead are quite forgiving of drybrushing and speed painting ;)

Nothing particularly special or unusual about this month’s lot. 

I added some much needed ranged attacks (for all the good they’ll do me ) along with two more units of infantry. Basically Oswald has been digging up whatever he could find.

The points are as follows:

12 skellies with command and bows, 136pts

12 skellies with command and light armour, 136pts

5 skellies with x-bows, 55pts

That’s a total of 144 points for the month :)

Not too shabby for one week of painting. Don’t look too close though as they are arse !


  1. Great work! Plus all in a week it's a great accomplishment!

  2. Solid month for you even with your calendar issues...

  3. Skellys are easy, great choice! they look good!

  4. I don't think they'd look better if I'd spent a whole month on them. Nice to see some shooty skeletons, too.

  5. Those colours really leap out - they look great!

  6. That is seriously impressive for a week's work!

  7. That's certainly a week well spent!


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