Wednesday, June 5, 2024

JohnR's Month 5 - Space Dorfs: Dorfs in Spaaaace (277 points)

Rank and file month #5

More minis I've had seemingly forever. I always had a soft spot for the early metal squats but painting them was a bit of a let down tbh. Something about the puffy sleeves just didn't do it for me so they got pushed to the back of the paint station half way through the month and didn't get finished until this morning lol.

Seven man / squat squat with a flamer and grenade launcher. In the fluff they're veterans of the Imperial Army, now members of the Guild of Independent Miners and Prospectors and have joined the Rogue Trader's fleet in search of mineral rich planets to colonize.

 The G.I.M.P.s leader Durit Stoneshanks and his standard bearer Krut Stalagmite. 

Thudd gun for fire support - squats subscribe to the more is more school of thought where artillery is concerned.


May Points

Minor Hero 63
Champions 19
8 Squats 60
11 Mesh Armour 11
2 Bolt Guns 4
4 Lasguns 6

Flamer 2

Grenade Launcher 15
6 Las Pistols 3

Power Glove 15

Refractor Field
9 Frag Grenades 9
9 Crack Grenades 18

Thudd Gun 50


Into the home straight - just my leader and her bridge crew to do :)


  1. These guys are so cool, looking forward to seeing the whole army

  2. A great selection of minis once again! All of them are so characterful. I love your choice of colours, especially on the Thudd Gun

  3. Glad you finally made yourself paint them, these are really nice

  4. I really like the colour scheme you chose for your Squats, green fits them really nicely. And I agree, it's nicer to look at the painted Squats than to actually paint some of the sculpts (which makes finishing a month even sweeter)
    Go team Squat, more artillery is definitely more!

  5. Some classic squat action here! I need to dig out my Space War Combat Cards immediately.

    Love the Thudd Gun too. A very Squat like rank and file combo with the GIMP squad :)

  6. Solid work on here! Squast are sooooo cool!

  7. Nice work on these - love the brass casing on the shells in the Thudd Gun :)


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