Thursday, July 4, 2024

Mariano Sánchez - Wood elves - Long life to the King, the Queen and the Ancient Treeman...

 Wild card 

Thr Royal Court


This last month the idea was to paint 3 big guys and get time to repaint (over the painting I did 30 years ago) 20 dryads in order to finish my quest. My planning was solid I was confidence I can do it and... well, Papa Nurgle visited us and we had a fantastic two weeks and a half with, at least, one of us with a stomacht virus. I´m a man of principles so family (and toilet) first...

Anyway, the main point of the month has been done and I´m quite happy with the result even more knowing I´m not a big fan of Orion and Ariel sculpts. 

What have I painted this month...?

As you can see, I have worked on three special Characters. On Orion I did some minor conversions on the spear and the horns to increase the idea of strong on the model. On Ariel I worked on the antennaes and also getting the staff just in front of the face, I´m sorry, it was the only idea I had to improve her female presence. The Ancient Treeman is a model from Osmoticmeld I got some time ago in a crowfunding because I thought it will fix on my army really well; on it I just add the leafs as I did on tree people before.

The painting list finished :

  • Silvan King mounted - 217
  • Sylvan Chieftain mounted - 182
  • Wood Lord mounted - 143
  • Wood Lord mounted - 142
  • Sylphseer mounted - 210
  • Sylphseer mounted - 210
  • Wood Fey - 78
  • Wood Fey - 78
  • 10 Glade runners (music and standard bearer) - 192
  • 10 Warrior Kinbands (music and standard bearer) - 156
  • 10 Wardancers (music and standard bearer) - 230
  • 6 Falconers - 78
  • 4 Warrior kinbands - 52 
  • Treeman - 238
  • Orion - No points
  • Ariel - No points
  • Bear filler - No points
  • Baggage train - No points

Time to show you some pics:

Hope you like them.

What are the plans for the future of my Wood elves army??? First of all, to finish the 20 dryads and complete the army. The idea should be to do it before the record of the video with the full army I will do on the final post but I´m really tired and I don´t want to do a bad work on them after all the hard work done on the rest so who knows... I also want to do a board for the Armies on Parade.  And after that, play some tournaments and at home wit my kids, so the Wood elves army needs an opponent, I think I can heard the horns of the beastmen arround....

1 comment:

  1. This is a really nice way to finish your long project! Both the King and Queen are super nicely painted but the treeman is the star for me. The scuplt is already a great one and your added foliage and superb painting rise it on another level


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