Sunday, August 4, 2024

Shadespyre's July Post - OWAC VII Wrap up - Guardians of the Moonglade - 3rd Edition Wood Elves (7902 points, 228 models)

OWAC VII - Wrap up - Guardians of the Moonglade


Another OWAC completed, my fourth and possibly my favourite. Why? Because it's a decent match to the picture I had in my head when I started, and also it never quite became a chore despite there being so much of it. It's actually my biggest OWAC to date, if only by around 10 minis. And it might get bigger.

Straight into a couple of army pictures. I can't really get enough light in this room, and my poor old camera doesn't really have enough resolution, but they give an idea of the size of the project.

And because some of the earlier units I painted weren't based immediately, here's a pictures of the Spring, Summer and Autumn groups of Elves. Hopefully this gives an idea of how I tried to use different combinations of the same basing materials to give a slightly different feel to each faction.

Expansion Plans?

I haven't actually painted anything extra since June, but I still may be adding to the army in the near future. Having bemoaned the lack of miniatures to include any dedicated melee units just last month, I immediately managed to acquire enough extra Elves to make that possible!

I also have a unit of possible "Winter" Elves which I'd really struggled to find a good colour scheme for, but as some people seem to like the Winter hero from June I may just try and paint them like that. It'll probably be easier to find my way with the time pressure taken off.

This would all add another 40 or so miniatures to the project, making it my biggest army since The End Times came - for comparison, my 7E/8E Vampire army is around 450, while my 6/7/8E Middenheim Empire army is over 600 minis, but is nowhere near as pretty.

Reflections and Regrets

This one went pretty well. I hadn't really defined my colour scheme before I started and had to feel my way towards something that I liked, but I think once I'd done that it all flowed quite well. The moon theme arrived a little late, and perhaps that shows in the somewhat simple banners, but those are probably the only thing I'd want to change very much. Oh, the 3d printed shields aren't quite as neat as I'd like, but I don't think it matters en masse. And where was I going to get a hundred of the original crescent shaped ones?

I like how the basing looks but it took forever and cost a lot (though I have plenty left over), but I think it's my favourite basing scheme across my OWACS so it was all worth it in the end.

One final self-criticism - once again, the army is bigger than it needs to be! Every unit of 16 Elves good have been 12 or even 10, and there could easily be half as many Zoats and Halflings and it would still express the same themes and ideas and be a useable army. I think I said this about OWACs VI and V as well so I don't know if I'll ever learn...


I'll definitely take part. Will it be a big project or a small one? Fantasy or 40k? I don't know yet, and to be honest I don't think I'll think about it much before October.


  1. Congratulations, you managed to collect and paint a really majestic wood elf army. Just collecting an oldhammer army of this magnitude is an achievement, painting it in this time is astonishing

    1. Aw thanks! The secret is to do nothing but paint continually for three months until you HATE the sight of paintbrushes, and then just keep painting. I wish it was a better secret to share! ;)

  2. So impressive and so old school! The spectral hunt stand out as one of my favourite elements and I really like how you have curated your collection to get flavourful and varied units of similar sculpts. The seasonal basing was definitely worth the hassle and expense - it looks great! I am definitely looking forward to seeing more winter themed elves in the future :D

    1. Thanks very much. It's funny how a simple idea can catch the imagination. I painted that unit in a couple of hours at most, and everyone comments on it!

      I'll try to bring you more winter elves before winter actually arrives.

  3. #TeamWoodElvesForever!!! The idea of the seasons is so cool and work perfectly with your army. I really like It!!

    1. Thank you for the compliments and for the inspiration. I'll be having "Mariano said "I really like it"" engraved as my epitaph!

  4. Really great add to the different WE armies we can see here. I like all the little touch like the dragon or the zoats contingent.
    Well done for achieving a new owac.

    1. Thank you. One of the great things about this hobby is how we can each pick up the same miniatures and the same army rules and turn them into something different, depending on our different skills and creative vision. Very pleased to finally be a member of #TeamWoodElves after a 30+ year wait!

  5. Congrats on the giant army! You can never have too much of a good thing ;) One of my favourite things about this force is the inclusion of more exotic units, like the Zoats. It really captures the feel and spirit of Oldhammer.

    1. Thanks James. It's more fun to include the exotic options, it gives you something different to do when you get a bit bogged down with the main army.

  6. Exotic and wild bases, they rock everything !


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