Thursday, November 21, 2024

Ben's Chaos Gnomes - OWAC VIII Introductory Post

The Battle of Tinyfoot Pass

Sometimes you get a funny idea. "Ha Ha," you say, "that'd be good for a laugh," and then you leave it alone, because its just a funny idea. Not a funny project, or a funny promise, or a pact forged in the coppery blood of a greedy god who pours molten metal down the throats of his enemies.

Hi, it's been a while. 

Welcome back O-Whackers.

We're back for Challenge Number Eight, year two for me, and excitingly enough, a pattern is starting to develop. Last year, I made an army of Alpine Gnomes, and I mentioned that it was my second army of gnomes (the first one was Skellingtons,) and that there was a third and equally diminuitive force waiting in the wings.

All my gnomes (and all their friends) at time of posting

Well that was the case until this week, where I ranked up the little villains and started doing my comfort math. This time around we're doing Chaos Gnomes, using the Ravening Hordes army list, starring the figures from Admiralty Miniatures. These models are 15mm interpretations of the old big hat chorfs, but with the shift in scale they're perfect foes for my other gnomes (both living and dead,) and with the reduction in detail, there's something softened about their vileness, giving them all the threateningness of a muppet with fangs.

Inside of you, there are three gnomes... so far

At time of writing, the points in 4th edition are as follows;

Chaos Dwarf General on Cockatrice - 310

2 Chaos Dwarf Sorcerer Champions - 242

10 Blunderbussers - 140

20 Warriors with full command - 348

20 Warriors with full command - 348

10 Hobgoblin Archers with champion - 78.5

5 Bull Centaurs with full command - 357

4 Hobgoblin Bolt Throwers - 148

Total: 1991.5 pts

Here's most of the force in all their garish glory:

Pixie Pink is the new Chaos Black

Its a pretty chonky list, mostly relying on bricks of slow moving chomes (hmmm, might need to work on that gnickgname) to hold a line, the hobgoblin bolt throwers to whittle down problem units that the bull centaurs can then remedy with chain charges. Elegant? No. Effective? Maybe? I'm generally unimpressive as a general, but I like what I like, and that's good enough for me.

75 figures, that's easy compared to last year, right? We'll see! Creatives are subject to the winds of magic (for better or worse,) and so scope creep is always a valid fear. Having chosen Chaos Dwarfs as an army, there are a number of units from the recentish Total War: Warhammer III trailer that I'm tempted to oldhammerify. Furthermore, I didn't actually pick Chorfs, I picked Chomes (nope, that really doesn't work) which don't yet have rules. Maybe they'll get some before this project runs is course? Who am I to say though? 

Dang, I'm kinda cute

I'm Ben. I have a resume, but the cliffnotes version is that I'm just a gnome-loving gnerd, prone to whims, and giving it my all.

And on that note, thanks for joining me and everyone else for OWAC VIII! Here's to another year!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I love this. Pixie Pink is definitely the new Chaos Black!

  3. It is only logical that if you have Alpine Gnomes and Undead Gnomes then at some point you are going to get Chaos Gnomes! I'm intrigued to know what beasts you imagine they are conjoined with in their centaur form. "Chomes" seems to fit the vibe of "muppets with fangs" :)

  4. This is going to be fun. I'm intrigued to see what effect the pink undercoat has on the final results, too :)

  5. Chgnomes? OMG, I love the weirdness. Looking forward to seeing them painted!

  6. Having faced off against a Gnome army with my goblins I know their a lot tougher than most folks give them credit for. Good luck

  7. Absolutely bonkers. I love it ! Looking forward to seeing them in all their painted glory. Gnory?

  8. Cockatrice you say? Full size, covered in furious chormes or baby sized and full of hunger? Anyhow - fantastic project, good luck with them! ✨


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