Sunday, January 5, 2025

John B's Dwarfs 1407 points

 welcome to 2025

This year is no surprise. Its dwarfs!

High King Thorgrim Grudgebearer on his throne of power 300 points

Runelord Kragg the Grim (once I find one. Im pretty sure he ran off with a tavern wench never to be seen again) on his anvil of doom  309 points

Longbeards x 12, 180 points

Warriors x 24, 264 points

Miners x 12, 156 points

Slayers x 18, 198 points

Total 1407 points

Troops 798 points

Characters 609 points


And of course the tribute 

A rather grumpy wizard and his frog familliar

Looking forward to seeing all the amazing work this year. 

Best wishes to all


  1. Always love seeing dwares receiving a bit of colour. Good luck

  2. Now that is a solid OWAC Dwarf force. In the words of Dr. Rick Dagless: "...muscular and compact, liked corned beef." Just like a good dwarf army should be :)

  3. Every time someone here paints a Dwarf army, I wonder why I've never painted a Dwarf army (the answer is mostly that there were three other Dwarf armies in my regular Warhammer group back in the day). This looks like a fearsome force and I can't wait to see you finish it (no pressure).

  4. These are fine additions to your already mighty throng. Looking forward to your version of Thorgrim!

  5. My first painted army, so I always have a soft spot for dwarfs. Lovely selection - I'm looking forward to seeing Thorgrim and his Throne with some paint! Replacing all those axes must've been a chore and a half. Great job!


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