Monday, February 3, 2025

Ben's Stirland Undead - OWAC VIII - Month 1 (Rank and File)

I decided I needed to be as organised as possible for this project, so I first primed all the models and then painted and drybrushed every base, to give me a head-start in the upcoming months.  I intend to add some flock/clumps to them all in one go at the end.  

Then I made my start proper with the vampire thralls (Westwind Vampire Clan), and transfixed town militia (Foundry ex-Citadel Mercenaries/Heroquest Henchmen), that together will represent a bunch of  Zombies.

I'm really enjoying painting the green and yellow scheme of Stirland, and a suitable Empire banner - unfortunately, neither victory nor death but undeath is the fate of these unlucky troops.

A couple of minor conversions here - replacing the gun from one of the thralls with a flagellant's bell, and adding feathers from Anvil Industry to the hats of a few of the militia to 'Empire' them up.

More troops for the back ranks

Here's the full unit - several sets of twins in this town (I accidentally ordered two of the same pack of mercenaries...).

As a treat after painting all those slashed clothes, I painted a corpse cart / chariot (Dark Art Studios Death Cart) which was much easier going, and decorated it with a few checks and flames.

This brought my total so far to 174 pts:
    22 Zombies, standard, musician - 96 pts (one a test model with a new shield and feather)
    Undead Chariot, scythed wheels - 78 pts (note shield repurposed as base decoration...)

Here is my tribute, which hopefully will prove suitable to join Laurent's Slaanesh horde.  He's a C35 Chaos Warrior 'Count Metalmane' that I got amongst a random bunch of models.  Unfortunately he had a missing head, but I took this as an opportunity to grant him the reward of the head of a Slaanesh Fiend.  Just don't ask how he gets his chainmail shirt off.


  1. Nice work. I particularly dig the Death Cart.

  2. Yay undead! That's my plan for next year so I'm going to be watching your entries with great interest

  3. God, everybodies done loads this month, worried they'll run out of steam?

  4. Original unit and cart my undead friend. Good job !

  5. That's a great unit of not-quite-zombies. I always wanted to do something a bit like this for my Vampire Counts army, but never got around to it - if I was a bit less lazy you might have inspred me to go back and do it! ;)

  6. I love the creative use of models. Great looking unit with a great looking banner

  7. I really love this unit and the colour scheme. The purple skin tone really makes the green and yellow pop, and makes the undead vibe come through clearly. Top stuff!

  8. I love everything here : your painting and your selection of miniatures. I can't wait to see what's coming next month.

  9. Seconding StuntCats comment about the skin tone - it's super nice! I absoloutly love the Tribute model with the fiend head, it fits so well. Lucky Laurent! :)


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