Monday, February 3, 2025

JohnR's Month 1 - Rank and File (835 points)

 Rank and File Month #1

The original plan was to do the Dragon Co. this month but I can't make my mind up on their shields. Should I use the original type ones that they came with or do what I usually do and cut off the bosses and use later, round shields or drawing-pins?

I've never been much of a purist in my oldhammer, and I don't care much for the style of those original shields. Consequently, I suspect it'll be one of the latter when they finally hit the paint station.

So this month I painted the Marauder dwarves instead. Plus one of the small crossbow-dwarf regiments, a bolt thrower and a wizard.

 I enjoyed painting the regiments, warmachine and characters together in a month - kind of feels like painting a little army within the army. Think that'll be my plan for each month going forward.

12 Crossbow-dwarves: light armour and crossbows with standard and level 5 champion - 210 points

Dwarf bolt-thrower - 54 points. This is the 6th one of these bolt throwers I've painted. I now have 4 for my dwarves and 2 with orc crews for my greenskins.


24 dwarf warriors: hand weapons, light armour and shields plus standard bearer and musician and a level 10 hero in heavy armour with a 2-handed weapon. 368 points.

Level 15 dwarf wizard: 203 points. Dwarf wizards aren't much cop in 3rd ed since they only get half the magic points they should. However I really like the dwarf wizard miniatures that GW released so my armies usually include at least one :)

That's it for this month, hope everyone else's OWAC is going well.


  1. That wizard is a lovely model, so full of character. And you are a machine, so much painted in month one!

    1. Thanks my dude, I'd love to take all the credit but couldn't paint like I do without The Foundry Paint System.

  2. Great little army. A thought on your Dragon Coy. How about metal shields from Old School Miniatures? They offer a mix of heaters & small rounds with dragon devices.

    1. Thanks, I hadn't seen those! I will definitely consider them - if not for the Dragon Company then likely somewhere else.

  3. Nice colour scheme, looking forward to seeing their progression

  4. Quite a productive month! If you keep up this rhythm, you will have a huge army by the end of June !

  5. Blue-red colours are very dwarvish. Pace of work is impressive. waiting for more!

  6. Sprinting out of the blocks like this is not very Dwarvish - good job everything else you've done really, really is. Can't wait to see more of these stout fellas.

    1. "We dwarves are natural sprinters, very dangerous over short distances." ;)

  7. I have Old school miniatures dragon shields for my Dragon company and think that they look nice. They also make nice tankards for Bugmans. Anyway, a really great start for the season. With a little rationing this would have been enough for the entire challenge!

    1. Thanks buddy - I wish I'd known about their lovely shields before I painted all my Bugmans !

  8. That is an impressive start in terms of numbers, quality, and consistency. Really lovely units and colour scheme looking great!

  9. Holy moly, a mini army in a month indeed! Great job!


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