Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Mustafa’ month 1: Rank and File


First month is the bread and butter of the army, the humble jump pack assisted assault marines.

9 space marines and 1 sergeant. I decided to go with Blood Angels as I rarely paint minis in red and wanted to see how well the GW contrast paints work. So far, so good!

I may go back over and add some chipping and weathering on the edges, but for now I, calling them done.

As for points, these bad boys clock in at 350 points of gravity defying killiness!!!


  1. Just loving tht old school feel, keep up the good work

  2. Who could resist these beakies? Fantastic job, I love these models and the colour combination

  3. Nice unit! Good start for your army!

  4. Set RT Vibes to maximum! The combination of the sculpts and the paintjobs is spot on.

  5. nice work! Good call on picking out those shoulder pad rivets(?), and I'm very much liking the basing :)


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