Thursday, February 6, 2025

Jaakko and Rugluk - Rank & File month #1

Act 1

Rugluk Backstabba sat alone by the fire, gnawing on a bone and staring at the biggest tent in the camp - Gronk Skullbasha’s tent. Inside, the warboss was probably snoring loud enough to scare off wolves, full from another feast of the best meat.

Rugluk spat into the dirt. “Da chosen wun,” he muttered, thinking of the wyrm’s prophecy. “Chosen fer wot? Can’t do nuffin’ wiv dat fat lump runnin’ things.”

A wicked idea started to form and he grinned to himself. “Da bigger dey is, da ‘arder dey fall,” he mused. “An’ wen dey do, dere’s always wun ta take da spot.”

His eyes shifted to the goblins scuttling around Gronk’s tent, meant to be guards but mostly just being useless. Rugluk chuckled. Goblins were good at two things: squealin’ and slackin’ off. But they were easy to trick.

“A drop o’ shroom juice in da grog’ll make ‘im sleep good. An’ den…” he flexed his fingers around his sword hilt. “He won’t be wakin’ up.”

He stood, brushing the dirt off his armor. “Dats da way,” he growled. “Time ta get choppy.” Rugluk disappeared into the shadows, already picturing himself on Gronk’s throne.

And so the first month of OWAC VIII, the OCHO, is finally here! It felt great to get going again and to finally have the chance to paint these models. Orc sculpts of this period are full of character and I've enjoyed painting them greatly. But thats enough words, let's check out the miniatures!

I decided to start with two groups of models and leave the bigger units for later months. I managed to paint a unit of 14 Arrer Boyz with crossbows and three sets of Notlob's Bolt Throwers aka Spear Chuckas.

I've been told that missile weapons given to orcs only slow them down on the way to close combat. I chose not to listen as I love these sculpts.

 The shield on the banner pole is taken from the Hammerers unit in my Dwarf army

The first thing I acquired for this project was a boxed set of RR14 Notlob's Orcish Bolt Throwing Engines. That is the reason I wanted to start the season by painting them. Some of the crew models are hilarious and were a lot of fun to paint. I have added a piece of string to add realism to the Bolt Throwers in my Dwarf army. I will probably do the same with these at a later stage.

This month in points:



The lighting in my gaming area is not ideal. I decided to add a couple of pictures taken in my usual studio (= kitchen) to better catch the colours.


As we are building a siege laying horde here, I took a look at what Warhammer Siege has to say about this month's output. It turns out that this month's troops aren't actually very useful in a siege. Neither of them do anything against the castle itself but with good luck they might hit some defenders occupying it. The Bolt Thrower does have a theoretical chance of damaging the gate (S5 against T8) but I'd much prefer using a battering ram to do the job. I hope to offer Rugluk something better next month!

And that's it for the month, see you soon!


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