Thursday, March 6, 2025

Ben's Chaos Gnomes - Month 2

"The First Winter was harsh, and Kazar's band of marauders could only backtrack so far up the warpath before retracing their steps became impossible. Snowbanks taller than the biggest dwarf encroached on all sides, and it seemed that every gnome would have frozen to the bone were it not for a miracle produced by the smallest of the lot, a blunderbusser named Ghakath. In the shimmering dark he produced a flame from his palm, which shifted like a compass. Kazar was said to have recognized this as a sign from their patron, and bade Ghakath and his compatriots to follow the flickering fire. After hours of trudging and numbness of limb, the trees before them parted to reveal a small stone outpost from which sprung a merry tune and wafted smells of a feast. There were other gnomes here, no doubt allies of those from the pass, celebrating the shared victory over Harthack's shattered legion. Rage and indignation boiled within the heart of Kazar as he thrust his mentor's hammer skyward. The storm raged too loudly for any to hear his exact words, but all understood the oath. They would take the tower, and later, their revenge." 


The Siege of Stoney Top


This month I made another very small army of Chaos Gnomes (who also happen to be very small.) Technically this month could fight last month, but for lore reasons that won't happen.

10 Chaos Gnome Warriors with full command - 208pts

5 Chaos Gnome Bull Centaurs with full command - 357pts

A Sorcerer - 59pts

Ghakath, a Chaos Gnome Hero - 104pts

Points this month: +728

The other reason they won't do battle is because it wouldn't be a fair fight. Neither side dislikes having an unfair advantage, but neither force would sign up for being the underdog without having a dirty trick up their sleeves.


And now here's the army, so far, in full. I could actually run this list in a thousand point game if I made some cuts here and there. 

Chaos Gnome General - 165pts

10 Chaos Gnomes with Blunderbusses - 140pts

20 Chaos Gnome Warriors with full command - 348pts

5 Chaos Gnome Bull Centaurs with full command - 357pts

Chaos Gnome Sorcerer - 59pts

Chaos Gnome Hero - 104pts

Total: 1,173pts

It's wild to think that only two months in I'm already so far through my initial proposal. Given that, I'm in process of planning what happens after I run out of pink pests. 


My Tribute Model was received not long ago, and now exists in the home of one of our esteemed organizers. The model is an old Bryan Ansell sculpt I'd originally gotten to commemorate his passing, but in the spirit of appreciating hobby heroes

Coming up next in: OWAC VIII - Chaos Gnomes


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