Friday, March 7, 2025

Unberogenes Tribe leaders, Sigmar and his family.

Tribe leaders 

 And here we are in February. Short month, little time to paint, plus I was really sick for a good part of the time and the possibility of moving forward with many models flew by. I had planned to paint a regiment of warriors this month, but you always have time to change your mind, so off to leader month. Pointwise as follows.

Heroes and command: Total 467--------

1) barbarian leader (Chaos champion): 2 hand weapons, heavy armor. 130pt

2) barbarian leader (Chaos champion): two-handed weapon, heavy armor. 130pt

3) barbarian leader (Chaos champion): hand weapon, shield heavy armor. 129pt

4) barbarian banner bearer (chaos champion): hand weapon, army banner, heavy armor. 178pt

After many doubts and uncertainties I decided to entrust the command of the tribe to Bjorn Unberogen, Sigmar's father. To best represent him I used this Reaper model that I had around: the warrior's physique, the fur cloak and the powerful beard help to give the idea of a Bear warrior (despite the exaggerated horns of the helmet, which I was undecided whether to keep or not, but I wanted to maintain the integrity of the piece). Furthermore, the large sword made me think of the first possible Runefang to be passed down to future elector counts of the Empire.

Second in command we have Redmane Dragor, Father of Bjorn (and grandfather of Sigmar). The former king of the Tribe is still a strong and capable warrior, but he has long since handed over military command to his son, who is younger and fitter, while continuing to follow him into battle to give advice to the youngters and aspire to a worthy death in combat. Dragor is wealthy enough to afford a helmet, armor, and an expensive red cloak to reflect his name.

And now below with the new generations, the true protagonists of the stories of Sigmar and the early years. In the setting I have chosen, the well-known events have not yet begun, Sigmar and his companions are young, not yet famous warriors and the future dynamics of conflict are still distant. However, these kids are already mature enough to have a relevant role in the tribe and therefore be represented with miniatures on the field.

 The first and certainly most important is Pendrag, the battle banner bearer. Pendrag is the young blood brother of Sigmar, he bears the icon of the bear, the personal banner of King Bjorn. One day Pendrag will carry his brother's banner and end up as the Elector of the province of Middenland, but that is a story yet to be told. 

The model itself is a modification of a simple warrior, but I chose one that had a shield and armor, to better represent a successful champion. to this I added helmet and sword and a banner modeled in Greenstuff with some metal details taken from other conversions. the bear is a freehand drawing as are the designs on the shields.

A FUNDAMENTAL character in Sigmar's epic is undoubtedly his lover, Ravenna.
Little is known about this character, sister of Trinovantes and Gerron (two characters we will return to) accompanied Sigmar in his youthful adventures. Ultimately her death will mark a turning point in the story, but for now I like to imagine her as a young and powerful warrior, side by side with her love in battle and in life. 

It's difficult not to make a comparison with another similar character in a similar context, Valeria, lover of Conan... Gw took more than a few cues, it would seem...

Do you want to live Forever?

Last but not least the great man himself, Sigmar. I was rather undecided whether to include him in the project, mainly due to the difficulty of finding a suitable miniature to represent him; gathering the lead, however, I found a barbarian much larger than the others, decidedly out of scale. At first I thought about excluding him completely or maybe making a statue of some kind, but then... the powerful physique, the cloak similar to that of his grandfather and the bizarre weapons he carries partially convinced me. So I painted him as closely as possible to an ideal Sigmar, and the strange weapons like orc cleavers, collected before having Ghal Maraz, his iconic hammer. It is important to note that FOR ME this model is still temporary, and that I am still looking for a more suitable mini, and hope to find one as soon as possible.

And thats all for this month, i have still some spare barbarians around, i may add them to the army next month.. or maybe not. Lets live and see..

In the meantime, keep painting and be old school.

1 comment:

  1. What an epic collection of leaders! You aced the bear banner and your freehand shields are also very impressive. Looking forward to the next months!


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