Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Ben's Stirland Undead - OWAC VIII - Month 2 (Rank and File)

The vampires (or their necromantic followers) have been kept busy this month, resurrecting ancient heroes and rounding up swarms of giant bats from the bogs and forests surrounding Nachthafen.  

My favourite model this month has been the ancestor of the previous Count, whose skill with a battle-axe I decide must have been the reason for the family's heraldry.

Here is his bodyguard of scythe-bearing reapers.  I particularly enjoy those rising from the earth.

Some Giant Bats with evil spirit riders, who will count as Carrion.

And a host of Bat Swarms, to provide a menacing, sky-darkening backdrop to the march of the undead legions.

I've not quite nailed the contrast between model and basing colour scheme in the way I'd like - but with Skeletons and bats being quick to paint, at least I've had time for a bonus banner, and been able to add a chunky 939 points in total to the horde:

Wight Lord, Shield, Heavy Armour 69
24 Skeleton Warriors, double handed weapons, standard, musician 260
3 Carrion 135
Wraith 75
4 x Bat Swarms 400

Next month I plan to add some cavalry!

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