Aedysseil's Serpent Squad
Aedysseil, Lochiarch of the serpent squad, views over the prow of his proud Wave Serpent.
The serpent squad disembarks to assail the enemy.
Enough playing with my little armymen and onto describing what I was up to this month.
First is Aedysseil - he is a an eldar champion armed with a hafted power weapon (power axe). He is a heavily converted model. I took the venerable Commander Lessei Moondance from the RT402 range and cut off his head and sword. His sword was replaced with a high elf spear (with a doodad to make it look techy). Atop his body I glued a Dark Eldar head and then the helmet on top. I greenstuffed hair and a grip on the spear. I wanted him to look like an ancient Greek hoplite to match he Trireme vibe of the Wave Serpent.
Next, the start of my Falcon Squad.
This unit is a mix of Eldar bits. The First is a wych with a dire avenger helmet and some eldar bits I dug up at a local nerd store. The second is a striking scorpion with a guardian helmet. And the last is a harlequin. She will act as the lochiarch (champion) for the unit.
Wave Serpent/Warrior Squad
This unit is mostly composed of RT era bodies with an assortment of Eldar weapon arms (including some Dark Eldar bits)
Here's a second lochiarch, Anaflane StarRain, for the Eldar Warriors.
Lascannon troops
These are all heavily converted minis. The left one is the lease converted, basically a guardian with a weapon platform las cannon on his shoulder. The middle is a dark eldar from the 3rd ed starter box, but she's had top surgery, belly armor added to look like the howling banshee armor, craftworld eldar arms, an eldar las cannon bit from the bits bin. The last one is a Dark Eldar warrior with dark lance that's been swapped out for an old Lascannon. I have painted the danger bits in my army Red so the army is very legible on the tabletop. Red means danger.
Start of my Razorwing Squad
This is a lochiarch and a trooper. The lochiarch is named Kelvandar Breezekin. Both also have many conversions. The lochiarch started as a Dark Eldar scourge sybarite. His head was removed, replaced with an RT guardian helmet. Given craftworld exarch wings, a power sword and the pistol swapped hands, and the body was resculpted to be less evil. The trooper started with a guardian body, head removed and replaced, catapult replaced with a cannon and wings stuck on.

I used orangey metallics for the wings to match the sails of my Eldar space ships.
Falcon Squad Lochiarch - Eldar Champion w/ mesh armor, refractor field, Chainsword and las pistol = 14.5 pts
Razor Wing Lochiarch - Eldar Champion w/ mesh armor, refractor field, jump pack, power sword and las pistol = 22 pts
Aedysseil, Warrior Squad Lochiarch - Eldar Champion w/ mesh armor, refractor field, power axe and las pistol = 19.5 pts
Warrior Squad Lochiarch - Eldar Champion w/ mesh armor, refractor field, shuriken catapult and las pistol =15.5 pts
Warrior Squads
Eldar w/ mesh armor, refractor fields, and Las Cannons x 3 = 166.5 pts
Eldar w/ mesh armor, refractor fields, and shuriken catapults x 4 = 50 pts
Eldar w/ mesh armor, refractor fields, and lasguns x 3 = 36 pts
Eldar w/ mesh armor, refractor fields, and autogun x 1 = 12 pts
Falcon Squad
Eldar w/ mesh armor, refractor fields, hand weapons and las pistols x 2 = 23 pts
Razor Wing Squad
Eldar w/ mesh armor, refractor fields, jump pack, heavy heavy bolters x 1 = 27.5 pts
Total: 386.5 points
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