Monday, October 23, 2017

Andrea's Wood Elves hunting party

Hi All, 

I suppose the first thing to do is to introduce myself. I started painting miniatures when I was 15 or so, with the few minis appearing for the first time in the small town where I used to live. The very first models were four Wood Elf spearmen (or spearelves...?) and, since then, I never stopped wandering in the forest realms! I started gaming Warhammer FB while at the university (moving into a greater city with some gaming clubs): it was at the end of fourth edition, one year later the fifth one began. Of course, Wood Elves were my army and it rapidly grew to something like 6000 points force (Orion, Ariel and Skaw the falconer are the only survivor of that mighty force)! 

Well, to be honest, there were also warbands of Chaos, Undeads and High Elves. Not to mention WH40K... Then, you know, getting degree, PhD, the girl of my life, children and things like that: I stopped and re-started miniatures painting/gaming a couple of times, selling and re-buying Wood Elves every time.

Now, here I am. Am I an Oldhammerer? Probably not in the strict sense or possibly there are different ways to define Oldhammer. Is Oldhammer a state of mind? If yes, then I am definitely in: I enjoyed the community in the last months and discovered I am not the only one still roaming in the days of rank-&-file, brightly-colored armies.

OK, I took miniatures off the basement one year ago for the nth time and I have a new project: Wood Elves through the ages. Having kept some miniatures from early and late 4th ed., some from the 5th and others from the 6th/7th, I have samples from various sculpt styles. So, no more WHFB gaming (unfortunately) but a lot of fun painting and preparing stuff. This challenge come in the right moment, as I was about to start my project, and I am glad to share this adventure with such a good company!

Well, let’s go at the heart of the quest: the 1000(+something more) pts Wood Elves hunting party.

Here the list, based on the 4th ed. army book:

Wood Elf General on steed, with lance (165 pts)

Mage Champion on unicorn (211 pts)

8 Archers, including standard bearer and champion (136 pts)

10 Glade Guards, including standard bearer and champion (138 pts)

8 Wardancer (160 pts)

6 Dryads (210 pts)

Everything summed up is a 1020 pts worth warband.

Well, actually, more is in stand-by: other two Glade Guards units (late 4th and 6th ed.), more archers (late 4th ed. and willing to get more of the older ones), heroes and so on.

The models I choose for the challenge are from both early (archers, Glade Guards and Wardancers; they are, more precisely, from 3rd ed.) and from late 4th ed. age (the two characters and dryads). A funny detail: among the 10 Glade Guards there are also the very same four spearmen with which I started the hobby, more than 25 years ago!

Well, models are ready for priming (which I still need to decide if white or black - or grey, as some of my challenger friends suggested), the November 1st is around the corner and I look forward to start the journey!

Ciao, Andrea


  1. Nice list! Looks like a great little force.

  2. My Wood Elf Rival!!! :) Very excited to see our armies grow side by side.

    1. Indeed it will be very interesting to see parallel painting! I am really curious to see the tao colour scheme side by side. At a first glance, looking to the army composition, it appears they are from two different Glades of the Lorien Forest: one based more on archers and high mobility and the other more on close combat+magic!

  3. Looking forward to seeing this develop Andrea. I have some of the same edition dryads and really love the sculpt.

    1. I found them one of the most beautiful sculpts of late 4th models, I love them too! In fact, maybe dryads will be the first unit to be painted.

  4. I like the falconer. This looks like it will be quite a nice project. School, wife and kids is what took me away from the hobby as well.


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