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For my selection, I chose 4th Edition Dark Elves. There were a few reasons for this, and I'll admit that one of those reasons is the low model count of Dark Elf armies. As a full time dad, doctoral student and all-around handsome bastard (hey, for some it comes naturally, for the rest of us it takes time and effort!), I find that I have less and less time for hobbies and I fear a higher model count might be biting off more than I can chew.
Strangely enough, however, I find that as the years go on I have more and more enthusiasm for the games and models of my youth, perhaps even more so than when I was actually young. I am not sure if this is a result of fatherhood and wanting to pass on what you yourself loved as a child, or simply the maturity to look back and actually appreciate the silly, whimsical and often nonsensical games for what they were. And this brings me to the second reason: I love 4th (and 5th!) Edition Warhammer, because it was so over the top, crazy, random and silly. While many would decry it today as "unbalanced," I've realized that I've never much cared for balance—rather, I prefer the dials to be turned to 11, where big, hilarious and dramatic things happen every round and an individual player's fortunes swing this way and that with a lucky die roll. Win or lose, I want to be entertained! Warhammer oozed this feeling in the 1990's and the models reflect that... "cute" but deadly Night Goblin Fanatics, "Tina Turner in the Thunderdome" Witch Elves, pot-bellied Halflings launching scalding pots of goulash... Yes, 4th Edition knows how to have fun.
So it's nostalgic, it's fun (God forbid a game be fun!), but why Dark Elves? One little reason is that the Dark Elves had, perhaps more than any other army, a large amount of unreleased models in the 1990's, and this challenge gives me a chance to showcase some of those less-seen figures. The real reason, however, is my recent move to Naggaroth—I mean Canada! In gratitude for this country letting in a bum like myself, I'll be painting this army throughout the long winter months in the Land of Chill itself.
So let's take a look at the army!
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Dark Elf General (Cold One, Heavy Armour, Lance, Shield) ~ 176 pts
Sorcerer ~ 59 pts
5x Cold One Knights (Lances) ~ 210 pts
Repeater Bolt-Thrower ~ 100 pts
War Hydra ~ 225 pts
10x Executioners ~ 160 pts
5x Scouts ~ 65 pts
Once a Master Executioner in Har Ganeth, Vakath fell victim to political intrigue and was shamefully cast out of his position. Rather than waste the Executioner's unique talent, the Witch King deigned to give the disgraced butcher Vakath a small command in the Dark Elf armies. Vakath was then ordered to lead a death squad deep behind enemy lines under the cover of darkness. In what was presumed by all to be a suicide mission, Vakath and his small war party succeeded in sowing terror and confusion, striking at the enemy general's tent in the darkness and decapitating the leadership of the opposing forces before either army had even met on the field of battle. Since then, Vakath has continued to serve in this role, slowly regaining the blood-stained glory and infamy that he held previously in the City of Executioners.
The army has a few interesting choices in it. There are of course the pretty standard Cold One Knights (I'll be painting up a command, even though they are not in the points above, because I think it looks better that way!). The Repeater Bolt-Thrower has also been included, simply because it is so iconic. The Executioners are excellent models that were sadly never released apart from a limited number sold at Games Day 1999. Somehow I've managed to get a hold of 18 of these guys and have been looking forward to getting paint on them ever since. Their art is found in the Dark Elf Warhammer Armies book.
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There are also the MM73/75 Dark Elf "Shadow" Scouts, which I think are a good match for the Armies book artwork below. Unfortunately I don't own the unreleased Citadel/Marauder Dark Elf Scouts, although think I like these guys better anyway.
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Next, there is the War Hydra. Another beautiful, sadly unreleased model and probably my favourite Warhammer monster sculpt ever. I might be changing his base to something more stable as he is a bit top heavy. More on him soon.
Lastly, there is a Sorcerer, but he might not stay! For one, an Assassin would probably fit the army background a little better and is about the same point cost to boot. (You could also argue that there would have to be some wizard present to control the War Hydra as a bound monster.) Secondly, while I do love this model dearly, I also have the plastic Dark Elf Sorceress from the Dragon's Tower expansion for Talisman 3rd Edition. While it lacks the detail and precision of the metal sculpt, the Sorceress fits the theme of 4th Edition Dark Elf artwork, as she is also displayed prominently on the Armies book cover (above). I am open to your suggestions on this!
So that's the army! As an added treat, I will be using the classic Mike McVey 'Eavy Metal technique (as seen in the painting guides behind the models) and the original Citadel range of colours—it should be an absolute trip to paint these guys! Even more so, however, I am looking forward to seeing what the other contributors have in store for us! Until next time...
Yep! That is why I love 4th Edition too!
ReplyDeleteAlso really like the background for the force :)
Also one of the reasons I like 4th Ed. Looking forward to seeing how you paint these based on your explanation!
ReplyDeleteI have fond memories of my Verminlord and a unit of rat ogres romping through a 4th edition DE army in a tournament when I was younger!
ReplyDeleteIt'll be cool to see those unreleased models painted up. I like the back story and your approach to making this force. Should be a good one.
ReplyDeleteHi! Am I late to the party here? Just wondered how this project wound up? I noticed you took a bolt thrower despite the lack of one of the required regiments, but its a cool army! Did you ever find the bestiary entry for the black guard? I struggled to find it in my sopy of the 4th ed Dark Elf Book