Sunday, October 22, 2017

Lissanne's Return to Middle Earth-High Elves

Hi Everyone!

I have been playing and painting Warhammer 40K since its inception, and I adore 3rd edition.  My favorite army by far is Eldar, especially Harlequins.  Oh...wait....this is Warhammer fantasy...


To tell the truth, I have never been much of a WHF player, but I have the High Elf books and a rather sizable force of High Elves, patterned after Tolkien's Elves from the Fall of Gondolin and other famous battles.  At one time in my life, I wanted to paint the entire Swallow legion- I am getting there!  So these forces will all bear a strong resemblance to forces of Middle Earth, as well as being a 4th edition army.

So here is my army list and the forces they will resemble:

11 White Lions with shield, musician and standard bearer (House of the Mole)  187pts
11 Swordmasters of Hoeth with shield musician and standard bearer (Tower of Snow) 187pts
2 Crossbows (Swallow legion) 200 pts
7 Reavers with shield, bow and spear (Sons of Feanor) 231pts
General with Chariot (Feanor, of course)  160pts and 84pt chariot
1049 pts

Ye, it is already too much.  There is a 59pt mage in that pic also, and I might do more sea guard if I am feeling energetic.  I have left space in the units for adding champions later.

November looks to be a busy month for me full of deadlines, so I choose to do the 11 figure House of the Mole and a test figure for the Tower of Snow, 204 pts.  Till November then!


  1. A very interesting concept! Looking forward to the unit of White Lions, I mean House of the Mole!

  2. Looking forward to more. Speaking of more - do you ahve nay more photos of those eldar... very cool.

    1. Yes, there are more photos, but this blog is not the place for them ;) Another forum!

  3. Cool - looking forward to seeing this force take shape.

  4. This is going to be a very cool project to follow!

  5. I love it that you're adding to your Gondolin forces. I really enjoyed that game against your beautifully painted army at Brian's two years ago. Man, has it been that long?


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